nāqiṣ(act. part. of نقص 'to be defective,' etc.), adj. Defective, imperfect, deficient, wanting (in); unfinished, incomplete; mutilated; unsound, bad, vicious, worthless;—inexpert:—nāqiṣu`l-’aql, or nāqiṣ-’aql, adj. Deficient in understanding or judgment; of unsound mind; foolish, ignorant, silly, stupid:—nāqiṣkarnā, v.t. To render defective; to vitiate; to mutilate:—nāqiṣhonāor ho-jānā, v.n. To be or become defective, or deficient, etc.; to be vitiated; to deteriorate; to want, to fail.
Origin: Arabic