Previous 200 Entries51553. نالگی 51554. نالنی 51555. نالہ 51556. نالہ 51557. نالی 51558. نالیدن51559. ناما 51560. نامانی 51561. نامزد 51562. نامك 51563. نامم 51564. نامنا 51565. نامنی 51566. نامہ 51567. نامور 51568. ناموس 51569. ناموسی 51570. نامے 51571. نامی 51572. نامی 51573. نامین 51574. نامین 51575. نامیہ 51576. نان 51577. نان 51578. نانا 51579. نانا 51580. نانا 51581. ناناتا 51582. ناناتو 51583. نانءی 51584. نانءین 51585. نانبے 51586. نانٹها 51587. نانٹهہ 51588. نانچ 51589. نانچنا 51590. ناند 51591. ناندنا 51592. ناندنا 51593. ناندهنا 51594. ناندي 51595. ناندیا 51596. نانڈیا 51597. نانڑیا 51598. نانس 51599. نانسرا 51600. نانك 51601. نانك 51602. نانكار 51603. نانكیا 51604. نانگر 51605. نانگل 51606. نانگھنا 51607. نانھا 51608. نانہال 51609. نانھہ 51610. نانھو 51611. نانھیال 51612. نانھین 51613. نانو 51614. نانو 51615. نانو 51616. نانوان 51617. نانون 51618. نانون 51619. نانی 51620. نانیال 51621. نانیتر 51622. نانیتھا 51623. ناہ 51624. ناہ 51625. ناہ 51626. ناها 51627. ناهر 51628. ناهرو 51629. ناهن 51630. ناهی 51631. ناهید 51632. ناهین 51633. ناو 51634. ناو 51635. ناو 51636. ناوك 51637. ناوك 51638. ناوكا 51639. ناوكی 51640. ناوكی 51641. ناون 51642. ناونا 51643. ناونوش 51644. ناي 51645. نایچہ 51646. نایر 51647. نايڑ 51648. نایك 51649. نایكا 51650. نایكہ 51651. نايی 51652. نبات 51653. نباتات 51654. نباتی 51655. نبارن 51656. نبارنا 51657. نباڑا 51658. نباڑن 51659. نباڑنا 51660. نباش 51661. نباض 51662. نباضی 51663. نباہ 51664. نباهنا 51665. نباهو 51666. نباهو 51667. نبٹانا 51668. نبٹاو 51669. نبٹنا 51670. نبٹیرا 51671. نبختا 51672. نبختہ 51673. نبرد 51674. نبڑ 51675. نبڑنا 51676. نبسہ 51677. نبض 51678. نبكنا 51679. نبل 51680. نبل 51681. نبلاءی 51682. نبنا 51683. نبندهت 51684. نبندهن 51685. نبندهنی 51686. نبندهہ 51687. نبندهہ 51688. نبندهی 51689. نبھاگا 51690. نبھانا 51691. نبھاو 51692. نبھرما 51693. نبھس 51694. نبھس 51695. نبھسیہ 51696. نبہنا 51697. نبھنا 51698. نبھہ 51699. نبھہ 51700. نبوت 51701. نبولی 51702. نبوي 51703. نبی 51704. نبے 51705. نبیدن 51706. نبیرہ 51707. نبیري 51708. نبیري 51709. نبیڑا 51710. نبیڑنا 51711. نبیڑو 51712. نبیسہ 51713. نبیسی 51714. نبین 51715. نبیہی 51716. نپ 51717. نپات 51718. نپات 51719. نپاتا 51720. نپاتن 51721. نپاتنا 51722. نپاتی 51723. نپاٹنا 51724. نپاٹهہ 51725. نپان 51726. نپت 51727. نپتا 51728. نپتت 51729. نپتري 51730. نپتن 51731. نپتی 51732. نپٹ 51733. نپٹارا 51734. نپٹارو 51735. نپٹانا 51736. نپٹاو 51737. نپٹنا 51738. نپٹهہ 51739. نپٹهہ 51740. نپن 51741. نپنا 51742. نپناءی 51743. نپنتا 51744. نپنتو 51745. نپنسك 51746. نپنسكتا 51747. نپنسكتو 51748. نپوا 51749. نپوتا 51750. نپوتري 51751. نپوتو 51752. نپوتی


nālīdan (rt. nāl= S. नद्र्), inf. or gerund, m. Groaning, lamenting, complaining. H P نام नाम nām[Prk. नाम; S. नाम(base नामन् );—Pehl. nām; Zend nãma (base nãman)], s.m. Name, appellation, designation, title;—good name, repute, reputation, character, fame, honour, renown;—adv. & postpn. By name; in the name (of, -ke); on behalf (i.q. ba-nām; nāmse,—generally as last member of compounds):—nām-āwar, adj. In high repute, famous, renowned, illustrious:—nām-āwarī, s.f. Repute, fame, renown:—nām ućhālnā(-kā, or apnā), To bandy (one's) name about; to make a by-word (of); to bring disgrace (upon):—nām ućhalnāor ućhal-rahnā(-kā, or merā, etc.), The name (of a person) to be tossed or bandied about (among, -meṅ); one's good name to be destroyed; to become a by-word (among men):—nām batānā(-kā), To mention or give the -- 1118 -- name (of), to name:—nām badī-se lenā(-ke), To speak ill (of); to defame:—nām-burda, adj. & s.m. Above-mentioned, afore-mentioned, aforesaid;—one whose name has been before mentioned:—nām bigāṛnā(-kā), To ruin the good name (of), to defame:—nām-ba-nām, adv. Name by name, expressly, particularly; after each name; per head:—nām pānā, To get a name:—nām-patr, s.m. A list of names, or of persons:—nām-par jān denā, or nām-par miṭnāor marnā, To sacrifice life for a name:—nām pukārnā(-ke), To call over the names (of):—nām-palaṭ, s.f. 'A substitute for a noun,' a pronoun:—nām-ṭhām, s.m. Name and place, whereabouts; particulars (of):—nām japnā, or nām sumarnā(-kā), To call to mind, or to repeat, the name (of a deity); to tell (one's) beads:—nām-jatn, s.m.=nām-yatn, q.v.:—nām-ćār-ko, adv.=nam-ko, q.v.:—nām ćaṛhānā, or nām dāḵẖil karnā(-kā), To enter the name (of a person, in a register, etc.);—to write one's name; to affix one's signature (to):—nām ćalnā, or nām ćalājānā(-kā), The name (of —) to continue or remain:—nām-ě-ḵẖudā, In God's name; God preserve (him); good heavens! bravo!—nām-dār, adj. Famous, noted, renowned, celebrated, illustrious, glorious:—nām-dārī, s.f. Fame, renown, celebrity:—nāmdharā`ī, s.f. The giving a name (to another); fixing an odious name (on), nicknaming; vilification, reproach, defamation; ill-repute, degradation:—nām-dhartā, s.m. One who gives a name (to another):—nām dharnā(-ko), To give a name (to a child, etc.,—i.q. nām rakhnā), to name, call, dub; to fix a name (on, esp. a bad name), to nickname, to call (one) by an odious name; to vilify, to defame; to accuse;—to carp (at), to cavil;—to tell the price (of, -kā):—nām dharwānā(-kā), To give a name (to);—to have a bad name given (to a person), to be vilified, or defamed:—nām denā(-ko), To give name (to); to make conspicuous:—nām ḍubonā(apnā), To destroy (or lose) one's good name, or honour, or reputation:—nām rakhnā(-kā), To give (one) the name (of), to name, call, dub:—nām-zad, adj. Named, designated, entitled;—named (for an office), nominated; appointed; declared, destined;—dedicated;—betrothed;—on men's tongues, noted, famous, renowned;—s.f. A betrothed damsel:—nām-sākh, s.m. Character and credit:—nām-smaraṇ, s.m. The calling to mind, or the repetition, of the name (of a deity):—nām-se, adv. By or under the name (of, -ke); in the name (of), on behalf (of):—nām-śesh, adj. & s.m. Having only the name left, deceased, dead;—one of whom only the name is left, a dead person;—name as the only thing left; dying, death:—nām-kā, aḍj. (f. -kī), Of a name, or names;—in name, nominal:—nām kaṭānā(apnā), To have (one's) name struck off the rolls (as a soldier, etc.), to take one's discharge:—nām-karaṇ, s.m. The ceremony of naming a child after birth;—the making a name; taking a name (of honour):—nām karnā, or nām paidākarnā, To make a name, to become famous:—nām-ke arth, nām-ke kāraṇ, or hetu, or nām-ke liye, adv. For the sake of a name; or for the sake of (one's) good name:—nām-kībhūlor ćūk, A wrong name, a misnomer:—nām gaṅwānā(apnā), To lose one's character or good name:—nām lagāna (-ko), To fix a name (on), to give (one) a bad name;—to accuse (of), charge (with):—nām lagnā(-ke, or mere, etc.), To be fixed on the name (of), to be ascribed or imputed (to);—to be charged (with), be accused (of):—nām le-kar māṅg khānā, To beg alms in the name of (a saint, etc.):—nām le-ke pukārnā, v.t. To call by name:—nām le-le-ke pukārnā, v.t. To call by (their) respective names:—nām lenā(-kā), To take the name (of); to call by name; to name, to mention;—to mention with praise, to praise;—to repeat the name (of a deity); to tell one's beads;—to name (one) in connection with (a crime, etc.), to accuse (of), to charge (with):—nām-lewā, s.m. One to take or bear the name (of), a son:—nām nikālnā, 'To put forth a name,' to become celebrated;—to discover the perpetrator (of a crime), or to endeavour to do so:—nām nikalnā(with gen.), 'One's name to go forth,' to become notorious; to become a by-word (i.q. nām ućhalnā):—nām-na-goyā, adj. Of no name or account:—nām-nihād, adj. Named, called (after); nominated; dedicated (to):—nām nekī-se lenā(-ke), 'To name (one) in connection with good,' to speak well (of):—nām-o-nishān, s.m. Name and address or particulars;—sign, mark, trace, vestige:—nām-vāćak-saṅgyā, vulg. nām-bāćaksaṅgyā, s.f. 'An appellation expressive of a name,' a proper noun:—nām-wālā, adj. & s.m. (f. -ī) = nām-war, or nāmī:—nām-war, adj. Famous, renowned, celebrated (i.q. nām-dār; nāmī):—nām-warī, s.f. Reputation, fame, celebrity, renown:—nām honāor ho-jānā, or nām raushan honā(-kā), To acquire a name, to become famous, or renowned, or conspicuous:—nām-yut, adj. Possessing a name;—famed, noted, renowned;—signed with the name (of); not anonymous:—nām-yatn, vulg. nām-jatn, s.m. Effort after reputation; exertion, or ambition, for the sake of notoriety:—ba-nām, To the address (of, -ě);—in the name (of); in favour (of); (in Law) versus, against:—ba-nām nihād, Purporting to be:—jis-ke nām-par, Against the name of whomsoever, or against whom:—rām-nām likhnā, To write (in red ink) the name of Rām (on small bits of paper, which are inserted into small balls of kneaded flour and thrown into a river to be eaten by fishes).
Origin: Persian

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