alā(inf. n. of صلح 'to be good, right, just, etc.), s.f. Goodness (of character, or of state or condition); well-being, prosperity; rectitude, virtue, probity, honesty; right or proper course (of conduct or procedure); good and proper thing, right thing, prudent measure; advisableness, propriety, fitness; advice, counsel; consultation;—(quasi-inf. n. of اصلح , iv of صلح ), rectification, adjustment, agreement, harmony, concord, reconciliation, peace, treaty (=ilā, q.v.);—adj. Good, right, proper, suitable, favourable, advisable, prudent:—alā-par ćalnā(kisi-kī), To act according to the advice (of):—ala denā(-ko), To give advice (to), to advise, counsel:—alā-denewālā, s.m. (f. -ī) = alā-kār, q.v.:—alā-se (-kī), By the advice (of); after consultation (with):—alā-kār, s.m. An adviser, a counsellor:—alā-kār-ě-riyāsat, s.m. A counsellor of state:—alā karnāor karlenā(-se), To hold consultation (with), to advise (with), to consult:—alā lenā(-kī), To take the advice (of); to consult:—alā nahīn, Is not advisable; is inexpedient; is not a prudent course:—alā-ě-waqt, s.f. A fit or proper opportunity, a favourable time;—the right course for the timeor occasion;—adj. Advisable.
Origin: Arabic