daryā[old P. daraya, daryāw; Pehl. zraē; Zend zrayaṅh, rt. zri= S. jrayas, rt. jri], s.m. The sea; the waters; a large river (the com. signification in India):—daryā-ě-aḵẖẓar, s.m. 'The Green Sea,' the Arabian Sea:—daryā-bar-ār, daryā-bar-āmad, s.m. Alluvial land, alluvion; land reclaimed from a river:—daryā-burd, part. adj. & s.m. Carried or cut away by a river (as land, etc.);—land cut or washed away by the encroachment of a river; diluvion:—daryā-burdī, s.f. Diluvion:—daryā-pār, The other side of the river, across the river:—daryā-dilī, s.f. 'Sea-like expansion of heart,' great liberality:—daryā-shikast = daryā-burd, q.v.:—daryā-ě-shor, s.m. 'The salt waters,' the sea, ocean:—daryā-kākaf, s.m. Froth of the sea, spume; bone of the cuttle-fish:—daryā-kānāriyal, s.m. The sea cocoa-nut:—daryā-ko kūze-meṅband karnā, 'To enclose the sea in a jar'; to say much in a few words, to be concise or comprehensive;—to attempt the impossible.
Origin: Persian