Previous 200 Entries25638. دسادهہ 25639. دسادهیا 25640. دساور 25641. دساوري 25642. دسءین 25643. دست25644. دستا 25645. دستار 25646. دستارچہ 25647. دستان 25648. دستانہ 25649. دسترخوان 25650. دستك 25651. دستكانہ 25652. دستكی 25653. دستگاہ 25654. دستگہ 25655. دستگی 25656. دستہ 25657. دستور 25658. دستورات 25659. دستوري 25660. دستوریا 25661. دستی 25662. دستیار 25663. دستیج 25664. دسٹھون 25665. دسخط 25666. دسخطی 25667. دسر 25668. دسرا 25669. دسراكر 25670. دسراكے 25671. دسران 25672. دسرتھہ 25673. دسم 25674. دسمی 25675. دسن 25676. دسنا 25677. دسنا 25678. دسنا 25679. دسہ 25680. دسہت 25681. دسہرا 25682. دسوان 25683. دسوانا 25684. دسوترا 25685. دسوٹھن 25686. دسوٹھہ 25687. دسوكھا 25688. دسون 25689. دسونا 25690. دسوندها 25691. دسوندهہ 25692. دسوندهی 25693. دسونكھا 25694. دسوین 25695. دسی 25696. دسی 25697. دسیلا 25698. دسیو 25699. دش 25700. دش 25701. دش 25702. دشا 25703. دشا 25704. دشارن 25705. دشارنا 25706. دشارهہ 25707. دشاسن 25708. دشانك 25709. دشپر 25710. دشت 25711. دشت 25712. دشترا 25713. دشتی 25714. دشتی 25715. دشٹ 25716. دشٹ 25717. دشٹا 25718. دشٹتا 25719. دشٹتاءی 25720. دشٹر 25721. دشٹی 25722. دشرتھہ 25723. دشم 25724. دشمن 25725. دشمنی 25726. دشمی 25727. دشمی 25728. دشن 25729. دشنام 25730. دشنہ 25731. دشہرا 25732. دشوار 25733. دشواري 25734. دشوان 25735. دشور 25736. دشون 25737. دشی 25738. دشی 25739. دشیلا 25740. دعا 25741. دعاءیہ 25742. دعوا 25743. دعوات 25744. دعوت 25745. دعوتی 25746. دعوي 25747. دعوي 25748. دغا 25749. دغاءی 25750. دغانا 25751. دغدغا 25752. دغدغہ 25753. دغل 25754. دغلا 25755. دغلی 25756. دغنا 25757. دغولیا 25758. دغیلا 25759. دغیلا 25760. دغیلہ 25761. دف 25762. دف 25763. دفاءن 25764. دفاتر 25765. دفالی 25766. دفتر 25767. دفتري 25768. دفتی 25769. دفتین 25770. دفرقلیا 25771. دفرقلیہ 25772. دفع 25773. دفعات 25774. دفعتًا 25775. دفعدار 25776. دفعہ 25777. دفعیہ 25778. دفلہ 25779. دفن 25780. دفنانا 25781. دفینہ 25782. دق 25783. دق 25784. دقاءِق 25785. دقاق 25786. دقاق 25787. دقت 25788. دق ولق 25789. دقیق 25790. دقیقہ 25791. دك 25792. دكاكین 25793. دكال 25794. دكان 25795. دكڑا 25796. دكڑاهی 25797. دكڑي 25798. دكش 25799. دكشا 25800. دكشتا 25801. دكشتو 25802. دكشن 25803. دكشنا 25804. دكشنتا 25805. دكشنی 25806. دكشنین 25807. دكشنیہ 25808. دكشی 25809. دكھاءی 25810. دكھارا 25811. دكھاري 25812. دكھاكر 25813. دكھانا 25814. دكھانا 25815. دكھاو 25816. دكھاو 25817. دكھاوا 25818. دكھاوت 25819. دكھاوٹ 25820. دكھاوٹی 25821. دكھاونا 25822. دكھت 25823. دكھت 25824. دكھڑا 25825. دكھلاءی 25826. دكھلانا 25827. دكھلاوا 25828. دكھلاونا 25829. دكھن 25830. دكھن 25831. دكھنا 25832. دكھنا 25833. دكھنا 25834. دكھناءی 25835. دكھناین 25836. دكھنوٹ 25837. دكھنی


dast [old P. daśta; Zend zaśta; S. hasta], s.m. Hand (syn. hāth); a cubit;—suit (of armour or clothes); anything complete (as a house with its offices); purging or loose stool, stool, purge, evacuation:—dast-afshān, adj. & s.m. Extending or moving the hands in dancing, or in relinquishing anything, or in anger or excitement, or in denying;—one who moves the hands in dancing, etc.:—dast-āmoz, adj. 'Accustomed to the hand,' tame, familiarized, gentle, tractable;—handy; skilful, dexterous:—dast ānā, v.n. To have diarrhœa or loose bowels:—dast-andāz, adj. & s.m. Intermeddling, interfering;—one who interferes, etc.; one who commences a business;—an encroacher; an oppressor, a plunderer:—dast-andāzī, s.f. Putting the hand (to, -meṅ, anything), meddling (with), interference; encroachment; oppression:—dastandāzīkarnā(-meṅ), To put the hand (to), to meddle, etc.:—dast-āvar, adj. Purgative, effective (as medicine), cathartic:—dast-āvez, s.f. 'That which ties or fastens the hands'; what a man takes with him as a means of promoting his suit; what one gets into his hand and depends on; a signature; a note of hand, bond, deed, title-deed, voucher, certificate, instrument, charter, etc.;—a small present to be given into the hands of a person whose favour is sought;—instance or example at hand:—dast ba-ḵẖair, May good attend the hand (said by one who points out on his own body the seat of another's malady or pain):—dast ba-dast, adj. & adv. Hand in hand; from hand to hand; quick, expeditious;—s.m. (=dast ba-dast mu`āmala), Ready-money purchase or transaction:—dast ba-du`āhonā, To put up the hands in prayer:—dast-burd, s.m. Pre-excellence, superiority, advantage, victory (at play, in war or law); encroachment, usurpation; plunder, rapine; misappropriation, embezzlement:—dast-burd karnā, v.t. To plunder, etc.:—dast-bardār honā(-se), To give up, abandon, relinquish, resign, to wash (one's) hands (of), to leave off, to let go, to desert; to abstain, desist (from), cease; to retire; to decline:—dast-bardāī, s.f. Relinquishment, abandonment, renunciation; withdrawal (from); cessation:—dast bar-sar honā, To be quite helpless, be unable to execute (one's) intention; to be in great grief, be distressed, weak, poor, or wretched:—dastbasta, adv. With close or folded hands (in token of respect):—dast ba-sar honā, To salute (in the Eastern manner) by putting the hand to the head:—dast ba-qabẓa, adj. & adv. 'Hand to the hilt,' sword in hand, ready for battle:—dastbuqća, s.m. Cloth in which a small bundle is wrapped up:—dast-band, s.m. A string of pearls or precious stones worn (by women) on the wrist;—a gold or silver ornament worn on the back of the hand:—dast-bandhak, s.f. A pledge, deposit:—dast-bos, dast-bosī, s.f. Kissing of hands:—dast-bos honāor dast-bosīkarnā, To kiss the hand, to salute:—dast-bai` honā, To become a disciple (of):—dast-panāh, vulg. daspana, s.m. Tongs:—dast-ćālāk, adj. & s.m. Light-fingered;—a thief:—dast-ćālākī, s.f. Lightness of finger; stealth;—a civil war; a duel:-dast-ḵẖat̤, vulg. daskhat, daskat, s.m. 'Hand-writing'; signature; endorsement, or acceptance;—a manuscript, chirography:—dast-ḵẖaṭtod;ī, adj. Written with one's own hand; in manuscript; signed:—dast-darāz, adj. & s.m. 'Long-armed'; oppressive, extortionate;—an oppressor:—dast-darāzī, s.f. Violence, oppression, extortion, exaction, excess:—dast-darāzīkarnā(-se, or -par?), To practice violence or oppression, to oppress, illtreat, plunder, etc.:—dast-ras, adj. Within (one's) reach or power; to be reached with the hand; able; come to hand, obtained;—s.f. Reach; ability, power, means; aid, assistance; facility; dexterity, skill; acquisition, attainment:—dast-ras honā, v.n. To come to hand, to arrive; to be reached; to be obtained; to have in one's power, to be able:—dast-rasī, s.f.=dast-ras, q.v.:—dast-ě-shifā, 'Having healing in his hand,' an epithet of a physician who is successful in restoring his patients to health:—dast-t̤alab, s.m. Begging; want:—dastě-gaib, s.m. lit. 'The hidden hand'; a charm or incantation by means of which a hidden hand supplies one's wants:—dast-farosh, s.m. A retailer, a hawker, a pedlar:—dast-faroshī, s.f. Pedlary; the business of a pedlar:—dast-qudrat, s.f. Power, ability, strength:—dast-qalam, adj. Amputated in the hand;—s.m. A writer:—dastkār, adj. Wrought, manufactured; dexterous, expert, expeditious;—s.m. One who lives by the work of his hands, an artificer, handicraftsman, artizan, artist, a manufacturer:—dast-kārī, s.f. Manufacture, handicraft; art, trade; operation (in surgery); dexterity:—dast-kash, adj. & s.m. Taken by the hand; led;—oppressed, weak;—a led horse; a guide (of the blind), a leader; a beggar; a captive:—dast-gāh, or dast-gah, s.f. Power, strength, ability, means; understanding; intellect; knowledge:—dast-gardān, adj. & s.m.? Going from hand to hand; hawked about;—money, etc. which is obtained on loan, a loan for a short period (on a verbal promise to pay);—anything hawked about for sale:—dastgardān denā(-ko), To lend (money, etc.) for a short period:—dast-girifta, adj. & s.m. Taken by the hand, helped;—one who is taken by the hand, a protégé:—dast-gīr, adj. & s.m. Taking by the hand; laying hands on; imprisoned;—a helper, assistant, patron, protector, a guardiansaint;—a prisoner:—dast-gīrī, s.f. Assistance, aid, help; defence, support, protection, patronage:—dast-lāf, s.m.? The first money received for sale of merchandize in the morning, handsel (syn. bonī):—dast lagnā(ko), To feel a desire to ease nature; to have loose stools:—dast-māl, s.m. lit. 'Hand-wiper'; a towel; napkin; handkerchief:—dast-nigar, dastnigarān, adj. lit. 'Regarding the hand'; needy, wanting, in want:—dast-o-bag̠al, adj. Caressing, embracing:—dast-o-girebān honā, 'To have the hand on the collar,' to engage in combat:—dastyāb, adj. Attained, obtained; reached; attainable, procurable;—dast-yāb honā, v.n. To be attained, be acquired, be found, etc.; to attain (to), reach:—dast-yār, s.m. Aider, helper, assistant:—dast-yāra, s.m. A bracelet (of gold or silver).
Origin: Persian

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