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दस ु dus (euphonically changeable to duh̥, dur, duś, and dush), insep. prefix, (implying) Evil, bad, difficult, etc. (see dur):—dush-prāp, dush-prāpt, or dush-prāpya, adj. Difficult of attainment, hard to attain, difficult to be reached, unattainable, remote:—dush-prakr̤iti, adj. Of a bad nature or disposition, evil-natured, bad-tempered:—dus-tar, adj. Difficult to be crossed or passed over, hard to be traversed, impassable:—dus-tyaj, adj. Difficult to be relinquished or quitted:—dush-ṭar, adj. 1˚=dustar, q.v.; 2˚hard to be overcome, unconquerable, invincible:—duś-ćar, adj. Difficult to be gone to or approached, unattainable, inaccessible; difficult to be passed or spent; difficult to be performed or accomplished;—acting ill, behaving wickedly:—duś-ćarit, adj. & s.m. Doing ill, misbehaving, wicked, abandoned;—misbehaviour, misconduct, wickedness, evil purpose, error:—dush-ćaratva, s.m. (f. -tā), Difficulty of being approached, inaccessibility; difficulty of being practised:—duh̥-sādhya, adj. Difficult to be accomplished; difficult to be managed; difficult, arduous:—duh̥-sāsan = duh̥-śāsan, q.v.:—duh̥-sāhasī, adj. Rash, presumptuous, bold, daring; irreverent:—duh̥-sparś, adj. & s.m. Difficult or unfit to be touched or laid hold of, unpleasant to the touch;—the prickly plant Alhagi maurorum or A. hedysarum:—duh̥-sparśā, s.f. A prickly sort of nightshade; Solanum jacquini (and several other plants):—duh̥-sam, adj. Improper, evil, bad, unseasonable:—duh̥-samay, s.m. Bad time or season, time of affliction, distress, or trouble:—dus- (or duh̥-) sah, adj. Difficult to be borne, hard to bear or endure, unbearable, intolerable:—duh̥- (or daś-) śāsan, adj. Difficult to be governed, intractable, unmanageable; illmanaged; badly governed;—s.m. A bad governor, a tyrant;—mismanagement, maladministration:—duh̥-śīl, adj. & s.m. Of a wicked disposition, badly disposed, ill-behaved, reprobate, abandoned;—a reprobate, etc.:—dush-kar, adj. Difficult to be periormed or accomplished, hard to be done, difficult, arduous:—dush-kr̤it, s.m. Evil action, misdeed, sin, crime, guilt:—dush-kr̤itī, s.m. An evil doer, offences, criminal, sinner:—dush-karm, s.m. Evil act, wickedness, vice, crime, sin:—dushkarmī, s.m. Evil-doer, malefactor, criminal, sinner:—dush-kul, s.m. A low family or race:—dush-kulīn, adj. Of a low or degraded family or race, low-born:—dush-kha, duh̥-kh, see dukh, s.v.

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