durust, adj. Right, fit, proper, becoming, suitable; just, true; correct, accurate, precise, exact; straight; well, safe, sound, entire (syn. ṭhīk);—intj. True! right! very good! just so! precisely!:—durust ānā, v.n. To come right; to fit, suit, answer, agree, harmonize; to be applicable, to apply, tohold good, to succeed, etc. (=ṭhīk ānā, q.v.):—durust-ḥawās, adj. Sound of sense, having full use of the senses, sensible:—durust-ḵẖo, adj. Right or proper in disposition, well-disposed, well-minded; wellconducted, honest:—durust rakhnā (-ko), To admit, allow (=next, q.v.):—durust samajhnā (-ko), To regard or consider as right, or proper, etc.; to admit, allow;—to apprehend rightly, have a right or correct apprehension of:—durust-`aql, adj. Of right mind, sound of understanding:—durust-kirdār, adj. Right in action or conduct, upright:—durust kirdārī, s.f. Rectitude of conduct, uprightness:—durust karnā, v.t. To set right, put in order, regulate, adjust, arrange; to repair, rectify, remedy, mend; to restore, heal, cure;—to bring (one) to (his) senses, make (one) well-ordered in conduct, to punish, chastise:—durust-karnewālā, s.m. Orderer, rectifier, etc.:—durust-go, adj. & s.m. Speaking correctly, truthful;—a truthful person, one who speaks the truth:—durust lagānā, v.t. To set in order:—durustnīyatī, s.f. Proper design, right intention:—durust honā, v.n.=durust ānā.
Origin: Persian