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छाती ćhātī[Prk. छƣा; S. छǂऽा or छǂऽ+इका], s.f. (dim. of ćhātā), A small umbrella, a parasol;—the breast, chest, bosom; a breast, dug, bubby;—heart, spirit, courage; fortitude; liberality:—ćhātīumagnāor umanḍnā, 'The heart to be full,' to be affected, be moved or touched:—ćhātī-bhar, adj. Breasthigh:—ćhātībhar-ānā, 'The breast to heave' (with emotion), to be greatly moved, to weep:—ćhātībhar-jānā, To be chestfoundered:—ćhātī-par patthar rakhnā, 'To place a heavy stone on the breast' (to still its heaving), to have patience, endure patiently:—ćhātī-par (or -pe) sāṅp loṭnā, To burn or be tormented with envy:—ćhātī-par mūṅg dalnā, 'To grind pulse on the breast' (of, -kī), to do anything vexing or calculated to pain (one) in his presence:—ćhātī-par hāth ḍālnā, To place the hand on the breast (of, -kī); to press or squeeze the breast (of a woman):—ćhātīpakaṛ-ke rahjānā, 'To lay the hand on the bosom and be quiet,' to grieve or mourn in silence:—ćhātīpakaṛnā, To hold the breast (in emotion, pain, etc.); also ćhātī-par hāth ḍālnā, q.v.:—ćhātīpaknāor pak-jānā, 'The breast to suppurate,' the heart to be sore, to feel very sore or vexed:—ćhātīphaṭnā, The chest to be bursting (with pain); the heart to burst (with grief or sorrow); to sympathize:—ćhātīpīṭnā, To beat the breast (in sorrow, etc.), to grieve, to lament, to regret, to repent:—ćhātī-tale rakhnā, 'To keep under or within the bosom,' to keep very carefully:—ćhātī ṭhuknā, v.n. To be encouraged, be assured, be satisfied:—ćhāṭī ṭhānḍīkaruā, To still or quiet the breast, to please, to assuage, to comfort:—ćhāṭī ṭhanḍīhonā, The heart to be quieted; to be pleased, be comforted or solaced:—ćhātī ṭhoknā(-kī), To pat on the breast; to encourage, to assure;—to hurt, pain, wound:—ćhātījalānā, To set the breast aflame, to cause heart-burn (to), to wound the feelings (of):—ćhātījalnā, To have the heart-burn, to burn with grief, or envy, etc.:—ćhātiyāṅćaṛhnā, or ćaṛh-rahnā, The breasts to be very full or to be distended (with milk):—ćhātīdabānā, To press the breast (as a child does in sucking; hence), to suck the breast:—ćhātī-dhar, adj. Courageous, spirited, brave, valiant; liberal, generous:—ćhātīsarāhnā(-kī), To praise the courage or the fortitude (of):—ćhātī-se lagānā(-ko), To fold to the breast, to embrace; to fondle:—ćhātī-kāpatthar, ćhātī-kāpahāṛ, s.m. 'A heavy weight on the chest,' an intolerable burden, an encumbrance, an incubus, a nuisance, a pest:—ćhātī-kājam, s.m. 'The destroyer of the heart'; an incubus, etc. (=ćhātī-kāpatthar):—ćhātīkarnā, To show courage or magnanimity; to show liberality:—ćhātīkūṭnā, v.n. (=ćhātīpīṭnā, q.v.):—ćhātīkhol-ke milnā(-se), To meet (one) frankly:—ćhātī-ke kiwāṛphaṭ-jānā, 'The gates of the bosom to burst open,' to speak out loudly or vehemently, to make a great noise; to be consumed with envy, etc.:—ćhātīgadrānā, The breast to swell (in a young woman):—ćhātīlagānā, To lament, to grieve (=ćhātīpīṭnā);—also=ćhātī-se lagānā, q.v.:—ćhātīmasalnā(-kī), To press or squeeze the breasts (of a woman):—ćhātīnikāl-kar ćalnā, 'To walk with the chest thrown forward,' to stalk, to strut.
Origin: Hindi