गड़न्त gaṛant= H گڑنتھہ गड़न्थgaṛanth[prob. Prk. गड्डंतं, imperf. part. of गड्डणअं= gaṛnā, q.v.], s.m. The game of tipcat;—a ceremony performed to remove the influence of an evil spirit (an effigy of the demon is made of dough and painted with red lead (sendūr), and to this offerings are made; it is then shown to the sick person or passed over him from head to foot, after which the effigy is burnt and the charm is completed);—a mode of incantation for the destruction of any person (māraṇ), or to secure his affection (mohan), or to subject him to obedience (basīkaran), or to imprison him or deprive him of the power of action or speech (stambhan), or to drive him away (uććāṭan), or to call him (ākarshaṇ;—certain words are pronounced over an effigy of the person (or his name in writing) which is after wards buried).
Origin: Hindi