छोड़ना ćhoṛnā[ćhoṛ˚= Prk. छोड(इ) or छोडे(इ)=S. छटय ु (ित), or (Bhūtype) छोट(ित) rt. छट् ु], v.t. To let go, let loose, to loose; to set free, to free, release, liberate; to spare, forgive, pardon; to let off, discharge; to leave or let alone; to leave, quit; to forsake, abandon, desert; to relinquish, resign, renounce, give up; to abdicate; to abstain from; to omit, to except; to put or lay aside; to discharge, shoot, fire (an arrow, or a gun, etc.); to emit, to give out, pour forth; to cause to run or flow, to pour (water, etc. into a vessel):—ćhoṛ-ćhāṛnā, v.t. (colloq.)=ćhoṛnā:—ćhoṛ-denā, v.t. intens. of and=ćhoṛnā.
Origin: Hindi