Previous 200 Entries23487. چھیولی 23488. چھیونا 23489. چھیونی 23490. چو 23491. چو 23492. چو23493. چوا 23494. چوا 23495. چوا 23496. چوا 23497. چوا 23498. چوا 23499. چواءی 23500. چوار 23501. چوار 23502. چواڑ 23503. چوال 23504. چوالا 23505. چوالیس 23506. چوان 23507. چوانا 23508. چوانا 23509. چوانی 23510. چواو 23511. چوءی 23512. چوءی 23513. چوءیل 23514. چوب 23515. چوبا 23516. چوبا 23517. چوباءن 23518. چوباءی 23519. چوبار 23520. چوبارا 23521. چوبان 23522. چوبچہ 23523. چوبر 23524. چوبك 23525. چوبھا 23526. چوبھنا 23527. چوبھہ 23528. چوبی 23529. چوبے 23530. چوبیس 23531. چوبیسا 23532. چوبیسہ 23533. چوبین 23534. چوپ 23535. چوپ 23536. چوپا 23537. چوپاءی 23538. چوپاءی 23539. چوپاءی 23540. چوپار 23541. چوپاڑ 23542. چوپال 23543. چوپال 23544. چوپالا 23545. چوپان 23546. چوپانی 23547. چوپءی 23548. چوپءی 23549. چوپایہ 23550. چوپایہ 23551. چوپٹ 23552. چوپڑ 23553. چوپڑ 23554. چوپڑ 23555. چوپڑي 23556. چوپنا 23557. چوپہلا 23558. چوپیا 23559. چوپیا 23560. چوت 23561. چوت 23562. چوت 23563. چوت 23564. چوتر 23565. چوترا 23566. چوتركا 23567. چوتڑ 23568. چوتڑي 23569. چوتنی 23570. چوتھا 23571. چوتھاءی 23572. چوتھپن 23573. چوتھہ 23574. چوتھہ 23575. چوتھہ 23576. چوتھی 23577. چوتھی 23578. چوتھیا 23579. چوتھیپن 23580. چوتیا 23581. چوتیا 23582. چوتیاپن 23583. چوتیس 23584. چوٹ 23585. چوٹ 23586. چوٹ 23587. چوٹا 23588. چوٹا 23589. چوٹا 23590. چوٹی 23591. چوٹیانا 23592. چوج 23593. چوج 23594. چوجا 23595. چوجہ 23596. چوجی 23597. چوچ 23598. چوچ 23599. چوچر 23600. چوچلا 23601. چوچی 23602. چودا 23603. چودانی 23604. چودري 23605. چودس 23606. چودس 23607. چودش 23608. چودش 23609. چودگھر 23610. چودنا 23611. چودہ 23612. چودہ 23613. چودهان 23614. چودهان 23615. چودهان 23616. چودهر 23617. چودهر 23618. چودهر 23619. چودهر 23620. چودهراءی 23621. چودهراءی 23622. چودهراءی 23623. چودهرایت 23624. چودهرایت 23625. چودهرایت 23626. چودهري 23627. چودهوان 23628. چودو 23629. چودواسا 23630. چودوان 23631. چودوانسا 23632. چوڈا 23633. چوڈول 23634. چور 23635. چور 23636. چور 23637. چور 23638. چور 23639. چور 23640. چورا 23641. چورا 23642. چورا 23643. چورا 23644. چورا 23645. چورارا 23646. چوراسی 23647. چورانا 23648. چورانوي 23649. چورانوین 23650. چوراون 23651. چورس 23652. چورساءی 23653. چورسانا 23654. چورسی 23655. چوركا 23656. چورما 23657. چورمور 23658. چورن 23659. چورنا 23660. چورنسا 23661. چورنكا 23662. چورنگ 23663. چورہ 23664. چوري 23665. چوري 23666. چوري 23667. چوري 23668. چوریہ 23669. چوز 23670. چوز 23671. چوزا 23672. چوزہ 23673. چوڑ 23674. چوڑ 23675. چوڑ 23676. چوڑ 23677. چوڑا 23678. چوڑا 23679. چوڑا 23680. چوڑا 23681. چوڑاءی 23682. چوڑاپن 23683. چوڑال 23684. چوڑال 23685. چوڑالا 23686. چوڑالا


चौ ćau[Prk. चउ; S. चतुर् ], adj. Four (used only in comp.):—ćau-annī, ćav-annī, s.f. The fourth part of a rupee, a four-anna piece;—ćauannī-kā, adj. A quarter, a four-anna (share, etc.):—ćau-bāćh, ćau-bāćhā, s.m. A levy of revenue on four things under the ancient regime in the Dehli territory, viz. the pāgor 'turban,' the tāgor 'string or thread worn by a child round the waist,' the kūṛīor 'hearth,' and pūṅchīor 'tails of cattle' (the first two correspond to the 'poll-tax,' the third to 'hearthmoney'—the fumage of Domesday Book):—ćau-bā`ī, s.f. Wind blowing from the four quarters, etc. (=ćau-wā`ī, q.v.):—ćau-baglā, s.m. A gusset under the arm-pit; a kind of jacket not open under the arms:—ćau-band, s.m. The four fastenings, four joints; four limbs or members;—adj. Sound in the four limbs, vigorous, etc. (used in comp. with ćāq):—ćaubandī, adj. & s.f. Of or appertaining to the four limbs or the four legs;—fastenings (of baggage, etc.); putting four new shoes on a horse or beast, shoeing;—ćau-bandībāṅdhnā, To shoe (a horse or beast):—ćau-bandīfaṣd, Bleeding in four limbs, viz.the arms and legs:—ćaubarsī, s.f. An obsequial rite performed on the fourth anniversary of a death:—ćau-bolā, s.m. A verse of four lines;—a play;—ćau-bolāćhand, s.m. A kind of metre:—ćau-pā, adj. & s.m. See s.v.:—ćau-pāra, adj. Four-pieced:—ćau-pās, adv. On all sides, all round, around:—ćau-pā`e, ćaupāya; see s.v.:—ćau-pattī, ćaupattrī, s.f. A small tract, an essay, a pamphlet; a pocket-book:—ćau-pahrā, adj. & adv. Consisting of four watches, four-watch;—for or during four watches or twelve hours:—ćaupahal, ćau-pahlū, adj. & s.m. Four-sided, quadrilateral;—a four-sided figure, a quadrilateral;—ćau-pahal, s.f. A square bottle:—ćau-pahiyā, adj. & s.m. Having four wheels, four-wheeled;—a four-wheeled vehicle or carriage:—ćau-pher, adj. & adv. All round, on all sides;—ćau-pher nāp, s.f. Perimeter:—ćau-tār, ćau-tārā, adj. & s.m. Having four strings or wires, four-stringed;—a four-stringed musical instrument:—ćau-tāl, cau-tālā, s.m. A mode in music, the time of which is marked by four claps of the hands:—ćau-tarkā, s.m. A mitre;—a kind of tent with four ropes:—ćautaggī, adj. & s.f. Consisting of four strands;—a thread of four strands;—a kind of fishing line (not used with a rod):—ćau-tah, ćau-tahā, adj. Of four folds:—ćau-tahī, ćau-ta`ī, s.f. A piece of cloth of two breadths of double length:—ćau-tak, s.f.=ćār-āṅkheṅ, q.v.s.v. ćār:—ćaujugī, adj. Of or relating to the four ages or great periods; of vast antiquity:—ćau-ḥāshiya, adj. Four-bordered, having an ornamental border on the four sides (a shawl, etc.):—ćau-ḥadda, adj. & s.m, (f. -ī), Of or appertaining to four boundaries, or environs;—the four boundaries; environs, surrounding country, neighbourhood;—a raised mound indicating where the boundaries of four villages meet:—ćau-dānī, ćau-dāniya (fr. dānā), s.f. An ear-ring formed (usually) of four pearls:—ćau-dis, ćaudiś, ćau-diśā, adv. On all sides, all round:—ćau-dant, adj. 'Having four teeth or tusks'; crossing the tusks (as elephants do in fighting);—stout, sturdy, robust; bold, valiant:—ćau-dantī, s.f. Stoutness, sturdiness; boldness, valour, heroism:—ćau-ḍol, s.m. A kind of sedan with two poles (=ćau-pālā):—ćau-rāstā, ćau-rāhā, s.m. Junction of four roads, cross-road, quadrivium;—ćau-rāhe-meṅ, adv. On the cross-road, in public:—ćau-rangā, adj. (f. -ī), Of four colours; of four kinds:—ćausingā, ćau-singhā, adj. Four-horned;—s.m. A raised mound indicating the junction of the boundaries of four villages (=ćau-ḥadda):—ćau-siwānā, ćau-sīmāṅ, adj. & s.m.=ćau-ḥadda, q.v.:—ćau-kaṛā, s.m. (f. -ī), A ring of two pearls worn in each ear:—ćau-kon, ćaukonā, ćau-kor, adj. & s.m. Four-cornered, quadrangular, square;—a square:—ćau-khanḍī, s.f.=ćau-singhā, q.v.:—ćau-khūṅṭ,ćau-khūṅṭā, adj. & s.m. Four-cornered, quadrangular; rhomboidal, lozenge-shaped;—a four-sided figure, a quadrilateral:—ćau-khūṅṭ, s.m. The four quarters of the globe, the world;—adv. On all four sides, all round:—ćau-khūṅṭ-barābarbāzū, s.m. A rhombus;—ćau-khūṅṭdo barābar bāzū, s.m. A rhomboid:—ćau-khūṅṭbīćbarābar, s.m. A parallelogram:—ćau-gāna, adj. Four-fold, quadruple (=ćau-gunā):—ćaugaddā, s.m.=ćau-ḥadda, ćau-siṅghā, qq.v.:—ćau-gird, adv. On all sides, all round;— Neighbourhood, adjacent orsurrounding district or territory:—ćau-gunā, adj. (f. -ī), Four times, four-fold, quadruple:—ćau-gosha, adj. Fourcornered, etc. (=ćau-koṅ);—s.m. A kind of oblong tray:—ćau-goshī, s.f. A four-sided cap;—ćau-goshī, ćau-goshiyā, s.m. lit. 'Having four ears'; an animal (particularly a horse) with slit ears:—ćau-gharā, ćau ghaṛā, adj. (f. -ī) & s.m. Having four partitions or compartments, etc.;—a small box (of gold or silver, etc.) with four partitions (for holding spices or perfumes);—an earthen toy consisting of four small cups joined together:—ćau-ghaṛā, s.f. A raft or float supported on four or more earthern pitchers:—ćau-lāwā, s.m. A large well (admitting of four lā`osor ropes being let down at one and the same time):—ćau-laṛā, s.m.=ćau-laṛī, s.f. A necklace of four strings or rows:—ćau-mās, s.m. Four months; lands tilled during the four months of the rainy season and prepared for therabī`sowing:—ćau-māsā, adj. & s.m. Of or relating to the four months of the rains;—the four months (from Asaṛhto Ku`ār) constituting the rainy season; a kind of song (descriptive of the season) sung during the rains:—ćau-māsiya, ćau-masiya, s.m. A ploughman hired for the four months of the rainy season:—ćau-muḥalla,ćau-maḥlā, adj. (f. -ī) & s.m. Having four stories, four-storied;—a four-storied house, etc.:—ćau-mag̠za, adj. & s.m. Having four kernels;—a walnut;—a largeheaded person:—ćau-mukh, adj. & s.m. Having four faces; having four points (an arrow, etc.); having four burners (a lamp);—a name of Brahmā;—a lamp-stand with four partitions or burners:—ćau-mukhā, adj. & s.m. Fourfaced, etc. (=ćau-mukh);—a kind of paṭāor fencing stick:—ćau-mukhālaṛnā, v.n. To be good at argument:—ćau-mukhī, adj.=ćaumukhā;—s.f. A name of the goddess Devī;—the seed of the Elœocarpus ganitrus:—ćaumuhānā, s.m. The junction of four streams, or of four roads:—ćau-mekhā, s.m. (orig.) A punishment which consists in tying the four outstretched limbs to four pegs; tying a man's arms and legs; tying the elbows behind; tying the four legs of a horse:—ćau-meṅṛā, adj. & s.m. Having four boundaries;—a place or village having four boundaries:—ćau-wā`ī, s.f. Wind blowing from the four quarters, or from all quarters;—contrary winds;—a tempest, hurricane, commotion:—ćau-haṭṭā, s.m. A market where four roads meet, a square with shops on all sides.
Origin: Hindi

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