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पेट peṭ(rt. िपट्), s.m. lit. 'Basket; bag'; the belly, stomach;—the womb; pregnancy;—inner or hidden part, inside; cavity; capacity; volume; bore (of a gun, etc.);—appetite, hunger; greediness; (fig.) livelihood, living:—peṭ-ārth, adv. For the sake of the stomach:—peṭ-ārthū, peṭ-ārthī, adj. & s.m. Desirous for the stomach; greedy, gluttonous; epicurean;—a glutton; an epicure:—peṭ ānā, v.n. To be purged:—peṭbāṅdhnā, v.n. To eat less than the appetite demands, to stint oneself of food:—peṭbaṛhānā, v.n. To eat voraciously;—to encroach on the share or rights of another:—peṭbolnā, v.n. The stomach to rumble; to suffer from borborygm:—peṭ-bhaṛ, adv. A bellyful:—peṭ-bharā, adj. (f. -ī), Having the stomach full; satisfied;—rich, wealthy, well off, independent; consequential, proud, conceited:—peṭ-bharā`ū, adj. & s.m. Enough to fill the stomach; a bellyful:—peṭbharnā, v.n. To fill the belly; to be satisfied; to be surfeited:—peṭpālnā, v.n. To pamper the stomach; to be selfish;—to contrive to live decently; to live from hand to mouth:—peṭ-pālū, adj. & s.m. Gluttonous, greedy, selfish;—a glutton; a selfish person:—peṭpānīhonā, v.n. To have loose bowels; to be violently purged; to have watery stools;—to be whitelivered, be frightened; to be confounded:—peṭpakaṛkar bhāgnā, v.n. lit. 'To hold the stomach and run'; to fly in great agitation or distress:—peṭpakṛe phirnā, v.n. lit. 'To walk about holding the stomach'; to wander about in a state of agitation or distraction, to be distracted:—peṭpaknā, v.n. To burst with laughter:—peṭ-posū, peṭ-posū`ā, adj. & s.m. Gluttonous, greedy; a glutton (=peṭ-ārthu; peṭ-pālū):—peṭ-poṅćhan, peṭ-poćhan, peṭ-poṅćan, s.m. A woman's last child:—peṭphāṛnā, v.n. To rend or tear the bowels;—to be impatient:—peṭphaṭnā, v.n. The belly to burst;—to be impatient; to be bursting with envy, etc.:—peṭphūlnā, v.n. The belly to swell; to be in the family way; to be bursting (with laughter, etc.):—peṭpīṭnā, v.n. To beat the belly; to cry out with hunger;—to evince great impatience:—peṭ-pīṭh (or peṭ-piṭh) batānā, v.n. To evince extreme weakness or want; to act submissively:—peṭpīṭh (or peṭpiṭh) ek honā, v.n. lit. 'The belly and back to meet'; to be very emaciated:—peṭjārīhonā, peṭjhaṛnā, peṭćalnā, peṭ ćhūṭnā, v.n. To be purged; to have a diarrhœa or flux (=peṭpānīhonā):—peṭdikhānā, v.n. lit. 'To shew the belly'; to complain of poverty and hunger; to beg for food:—peṭ ḍālnā, v.n. To procure abortion; bring on a miscarriage:—peṭrakhānā, v.t. To get with child, cause to be pregnant:—peṭrahnā, v.n. To conceive, be pregnant:—peṭ-se, adj. Pregnant (as a woman):—peṭ-se bāṅdhnā, v.t. To bind (food, etc.) to the belly:—peṭ-se pā`oṅbāhar nikālnā, v.n. One's teeth or claws to become visible; to shew one's claws;—to go beyond bounds:—peṭ-se paṭṭībāṅdhnā, peṭ-se īṅṭbāṅdhnā, peṭ-se kāṭ-kīroṭībāṅdhnā, v.n. To bind a tight bandage, or a brick, or a cakeshaped board, to the stomach to withstand the craving of hunger:—peṭ-se honā, v.n. To be pregnant:—peṭ-kāpānīna hilnā, v.n. To be carried (in a conveyance), or to ride, without being jolted:—peṭ-kāparda, s.m. The omentum:—peṭkāṭnā(-kā), To starve or pinch (oneself); to deprive (one) of dues, livelihood, etc.; to stop the wages (of); to reduce the allowance or stipend (of);—peṭ-kā ṭūṭā, adj. Starving, famished, famine-stricken:—peṭ-kādukh denā, v.t. To starve:—peṭ-kādukhiyā, s.m. One subject to pain in the stomach (from overfeeding);—a destitute or starved person, a poor wretch;—a wretch who will do anything for the sake of his stomach:—peṭ-kāsurā, peṭ-kākuttā, adj. As a hog, or a dog, in respect of (his) stomach; greedy as a hog, etc.:—peṭ-kākapṭī, s.m. A sly, close knave:—peṭ-kāmaẕūrā, s.m. One who works for bare subsistence; a hireling, mercenary:—peṭ-kāhalkā, adj. (f. -ī), Light of stomach; light, frivolous; gossiping, babbling; unable to keep a secret:—peṭ-kī āg, s.f. Fire of the stomach; hunger;—maternal affection:—peṭ-kī āg būjhānā, v.n. To appease hunger;—peṭ-kīangār, s.f. Violent craving of the stomach (for food);—violent emotion:—peṭ-kībāteṅ, s.f. Close or bosom secrets:—peṭ-kīmār, s.f. Starvation, want of food:—peṭ-ke pā`oṅbāhar nikālnā= peṭ-se pā`oṅbāhar nikālnā, q.v.:—peṭ-ke wāst̤e, adv. For the sake of the stomach; for food:—peṭgirānā(-kā), To cause or procure abortion (=peṭ ḍalnā):—peṭgirnā, v.n. To miscarry (a woman);—s.m. Miscarriage:—peṭguṛbuṛānā,peṭguṛgurānā, v.n. To have a rumbling of the stomach (=peṭbolnā, q.v.):—peṭlag-jānāor rahnā, v.n. The stomach to sink in from want of food; to be starving with hunger:—peṭmārnā(apnā), To subdue (one's) appetite or hunger; to mortify (oneself); to stab (oneself) in the belly;—to screen, cloak, hide, excuse (a child from maternal affection):—peṭ-marāṇī, s.f. A woman who works for her daily bread; a woman who prostitutes herself for bread or for money; a prostitute, a harlot:—peṭmalwānā, v.n. To have the stomach rubbed:—peṭmasosnā(-kā) = peṭkāṭnā, q.v.:—peṭ-meṅbal paṛnā, v.n. To have a twisting pain in the stomach (from excessive laughter, etc.):—peṭ-meṅbāt rakhnā, v.n. To keep a thing, etc. to oneself;—peṭ-meṅpānīhonā, v.n.=peṭpānīhonā, q.v.:—peṭ-meṅpā`oṅhonā, v.n. To be very sly; to entertain evil designs:—peṭ-meṅpaṛnā, v.n. To get into the stomach (of, -ke);—to pass the lips (of);—to conceive:—peṭ-meṅpaiṭhnā(-ke), To worm oneself into the secrets (of); to worm oneself into the good graces (of); to become intimate (with):—peṭ-meṅdāṛhīhonā, v.n. To have an old head on young shoulders:—peṭ-meṅrakhnā(-ko), To stow away in the stomach; to keep (a matter) secret, or to oneself; to keep back; to suppress:—peṭ-meṅghusnā(-ke) =peṭ-meṅpaiṭhnā, q.v.:—peṭ-meṇlenā, v.t. To gulp down; to endure, to have patience:—peṭ-wālī, adj. f. Pregnant (woman):—peṭhaṛbaṛānā, v.n. To have a griping pain in the stomach, to have an inclination to stool.
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