ies of pine, Pinus deodora; Pinus longifolia:—pīt-ras, s.m. Turmeric, curcuma:—pīt rakt, s.m. A yellow gem, a topaz:—pīt-sār, s.m. A yellow gem, a topaz;—the sandal tree; the tree Alangium hexapetalum:—pīt-sphaṭik, s.m. 'Yellow crystal'; the topaz:—pīt-śāl, s.m. The plant Terminalia tomentosa:—pīt-kāshṭh, s.m. Yellow sanders:—pīt-kadalī, s.f. A species of banana or plantain:—pīt-kand, s.m. The carrot, Daucus carota:—pīt-ghoshā, s.f. A species of creeper with yellow flowers:—pītloh, s.m. Yellow metal, brass; queen's metal, or a mixed metal resembling gold:—pīt-mastak, s.m. lit. 'Yellow-head'; the small bird Loxia philippensis:—pīt-maṇi, s.m. A yellow gem, a topaz:—pīt-muṇḍ, s.m. 'Yellow-head'; the bird Loxia philippensis (=pīt-mastak); a kind of gallinule:—pīt-varṇ, adj. & s.m. Yellow;—yellow colour:—pīt-yūthī, s.f. Yellow jasmine, Jasminum chrysanthemum.
Origin: Arabic