िपयाला piyāla, s.m. A drinking vessel, a cup, glass; a tea-cup;—the fire-pan or primingpan (of a musket); a funeral rite of Mohammedan mendicants:—piyāla bharnāor bhar-jānā= piyāla pūrāhonā(-kā), The cup (of one's life) to be full, one's days to be numbered; to be puffed up with pride (cf. the proverb 'Pride goeth before a fall'):—piyāla pīnā(kā), To quaff the cup (of); to imbibe the doctrines, or become the disciple (of):—piyālaniwāla, s.m. Food and drink (in the language of debauchees):—piyāla honā, v.n. To die (in the language of Mohammadan mendicants).
Origin: Persian