नागर nāgara, vulg. nāgar (fr. nagara), adj. & s.m. (f. -ī), Relating or belonging to a city or town; civic; urban; town-born, townbred; (hence) clever, sharp, knowing, knavish;—a citizen;—a person whose breeding and habits are of the city;—a clever, sharp, or knowing person; a wag, a buck;—name of a tribe of GujarātīBrāhmaṇs;—an individual of that tribe;—the grass Cyperus:—nāgar-bel, s.m. Piper betel (i.q. -- 1117 -- nāg-bel):—nāgar-pān, s.m. The best kind of betel-leaf:—nāgar-mustā, s.f., or nāgar-mothā(see mothā), s.m., A species of sweet-smelling grass, Cyperus pertenuis.