नाली nālī[Prk. णािडआ, or णािलआ, or नािलआ; S. नािडकाor नािलका], s.f. Any tubular organ (of the body), an artery, a vein, an intestine, etc.; a canal (alimentary, etc.); the pulse (i.q. nāṛī, or nārī); the stalk, culm, or haum (of a plant); a straw; a tube, pipe (i.q. nāl; nal); a drain;—a sinuous ulcer, or fistula;—a tubulated tile;—a stone with a hole in the middle (for athletic exercise);—a small watercourse, or channel; a hollow, a groove; the depression along the backof a horse (from the withers to the tail):—nālībanānā(-meṅ), To make a drain; to drain:—nālī-ke ḍaṅr, s.m. Athletic exercise with the nālīor nāl:—nālī-vraṇ, s.m. A sinuous ulcer or sore, a fistula:—paṭīnālī, s.f. A covered drain, a sewer:—donālībandūq, s.f. A double-barrelled gun:—saṛak-kīnālī, s.f. A drain, gutter, kennel.
Origin: Hindi