मुचुकुन्द mućukund, and H. मुचकुन्दmućkund, मचकन्द maćkand, िमचकन्द mićkand, s.m. The plant Pterospermum suberifolium (the flowers of which are applied for a headache);—mućukund, Name of an ancient king or Muni;—name of a son of Mandhātri (who asked the gods to grant him the enjoyment of long and unbroken sleep as a reward for the assistance he had rendered them in subduing the demons; the gods complied with his request, and decreed that whoever disturbed him should be burnt to ashes by fire emanating from his body. Krishṇa, in order to destroy Kāla-yavana, enticed him into the cave where Mućukund was asleep, and the latter, being thus roused, cast upon Kālayavana an angry glance which reduced him to ashes'; see translation of Vishṇu-Purāṇa, p. 567);—name of a son of Yadu; of the father of Ćandra-bhāga; of a poet of Kaśmīr; of a demon:—mućukund-prasādak, s.m. An epithet of Krishṇ(lit.'the one by whom it was vouchsafed that Kāl-yavan was destroyed by Mućukund').