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maḥṣūla (for A. محصولة maḥṣūlat, fem. of maḥṣūl), = A محصول maḥṣūl (pass. part. of حصل 'to be produced; to be attained,' etc.), part. & s.m. Produced, educed, extracted; attained, acquired; collected; remaining over and above;—that which is produced, or acquired, etc.; produce; profit, advantage, gain (syn. ḥāṣil); public income from any source (syn. āmdanī), revenue, income; tax, duty, toll, excise, custom, postage:—maḥṣūl-ě-ābkārī, Revenue or income from the manufacture of spirituous liquors:—maḥṣūl ugāhne-wālā, s.m. A collector of revenue, etc.:—maḥṣūl-ě-parmaṭ, Customs-duty:—maḥṣūl ćukānā, To pay duty, or postage, etc.:—maḥṣūl-ćor, s.m. A smuggler:—maḥṣūl-dār, adj. Productive; fruitful, rich, fertile; paying tax or duty; dutiable:—maḥṣūl-ě-ḍāk, Revenue from the post-office; postage:—maḥṣūl-ě-sā`ir, Miscellaneous duties:—maḥṣūl-ě-saṛak, A road-cess, toll:—maḥṣūl-kī āmdanī, Income from taxes, etc.:—maḥṣūl lagānā(-par), To levy a tax (on), to tax:—maḥṣūl mārnā, To evade the payment of duty, etc.; to smuggle:—maḥṣūl-ě-māl-ě-bar-āmad, Export duties:—maḥṣūl-ě-nahr, Canal-rents:—be-maḥṣūl, adj. Free of tax or duty, etc.; not dutiable; postfree:—fard-ě-maḥṣūl, s.f. A tariff.
Origin: Persian

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