मिट्टया maṭṭiyā, or मिटया maṭiyā[maṭṭī, q.v.+Prk. अओ=S. कः], adj. Made or composed of earth; earthy; mixed with earth (as metal in the ore);—frail, fragile; infirm, feeble;—s.m. A well without a frame (i.e. a well merely excavated), a kaććāwell:—maṭiyā-phūṅs, adj. & s.m.f. Infirm, feeble, decrepit;—an infirm or decrepit man or woman:—maṭiyā-ṭhas, adj. & s.m. Idle, lazy;—a lazy fellow:—maṭiyāsāṅp, s.m. A kind of snake with earthlike or dark spots:—maṭiyāmaḥal, s.m. A tenement of earth or clay.
Origin: Hindi