िमट्टी miṭṭī, or मट्टी maṭṭī[Prk. मिट्टआ; S. मृ िƣका], s.f. Earth, soil, land, clay, loam;—dirt, filth; excrement; sweepings, rubbish, trash;—lifeless clay, corpse; carcass;—flesh, meat;—temperament, constitution:—miṭṭībigarnā(-kī) = miṭṭīpalīd honā, q.v.:—maṭṭī-par laṛnā, To dispute or quarrel about land:—miṭṭīpakaṛnā, To seize or bite the ground;—to be laid low; to be overcome or overturned;—to be perverse or obstinate, to resist:—miṭṭīpalīd honā(-kī), The dust or clay (of a person) to be defiled; the obsequies (of a person) to be marred or spoiled;—to be badly off;—to be treated with indignity; to be beaten severely; to be dragged through the mire:—miṭṭī ṭhikāne lagnā(-kī), The corpse to be carried to its resting-place; to be buried or interred; the funeral obsequies to be performed; 'to shuffle off this mortal coil':—miṭṭī-ḵẖarāba, s.m. Wretched condition, sad plight;—wreck, ruin, destruction;—disgrace, ignominy:—miṭṭīḵẖarāb honā, or miṭṭī ḵẖẉār honā(-kī) = miṭṭīpalīd honā, q.v.:—miṭṭīdenā(-ko), To bury, inter;—to throw a handful of earth (on a corpse):—miṭṭī ḍālnā(-par), To throw earth (upon);—to conceal the crime or fault (of a person); to hush up a matter:—miṭṭī ḍalwānā, To cause earth to be thrown (as a contrivance for recovering stolen property; each of the persons suspected is required to throw some earth in a certain spot, and the thief is thus given the opportunity of depositing the stolen property under the heap of earth without being detected):—miṭṭī-kā, adj. (f. -kī), Of earth, earthy; earthen:—miṭṭī-kāpinjar, s.m. The earthly tabernacle, the human frame, the body:—miṭṭī-kātel, s.m. Earth-oil; liquid bitumen; petroleum, etc.:—miṭṭīkarnāor kar-ḍenā, v.t. To dirty, sully, soil;—to spoil, mar, ruin, destroy:—maṭṭīkhānā, To eat mud or earth;—to eat flesh:—maṭṭī-kī ṭikiyā, s.f. A ball of baked clay (eaten by pregnant women):—miṭṭī-kīmūrat, s.f. A figure of clay;—the mortal frame:—miṭṭī-ke mol, adj. Of the price or value of dirt, cheap as dirt:—miṭṭī-meṅloṭnā, To roll in the dust: miṭṭī-meṅmiṭṭīmilnā, The body to mingle with the dust; to be laid in the grave:—miṭṭī-meṅmilānā, or milā-denā, v.t. To level with the ground, to raze; to mar, spoil, ruin, destroy:—miṭṭī-meṅmilnāor miljānā, v.n. To be levelled with the ground; to be marred or spoilt; to be ruined or disgraced:—miṭṭīhonāor ho-jānā, v.n. To become (or turn to) clay;—to become weak or faint; to become cold and insipid (as food); to be spoiled, or ruined, or destroyed (syn. ḵẖāk ho-jānā, q.v.):—pāṅḍar-maṭṭī, or pāṅḍū-miṭṭī, s.f. Light red soil:—potnī-miṭṭī, s.f. White earth or soil (used for plastering, etc.):—pīlīmiṭṭī, s.f. A kind of yellow earth (used in colouring clothes, etc.):—kābulīmiṭṭī, s.f. Armenian bole (syn. gil-ě-armanī):—mu`īmiṭṭī, s.f. Lifeless clay, dead body, corpse:—mu`īmiṭṭī-kīnishānī, The (surviving) representative (or the offspring) of deceased parents.
Origin: Hindi
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