िमलना milnā[Prk. िमलणअं; S. िमलनीयं , rt. िमल् ], v.n. To be mixed, be mingled, be blended; be confounded; be amalgamated; be shuffled; to be joined, be united; to become connected (with, -se); to be met with, be found, be obtained, be attained, to come to hand (to a person, us-ko), come into possession;—to mix, mingle, blend; to join, unite, combine; to come together, to come into contact (with); to meet; to touch; to take into the arms, to embrace; to associate (with); to visit, to have an interview (with); to assemble; to coincide (with), to coalesce (with); to agree, accord; to be reconciled (to); to harmonize; to correspond; to suit, fit, tally; to occur:—mil-baithnā, v.n. To live together in harmony or unity:—mil-jānā, v.n. To mix together; to come together; to have an interview (with); to be met with, be found, be obtained; to be recovered; to hold together, etc. (see milnā, of which it is generally intensive):—mil-rahnā, v.n. To be regularly or constantly obtained or met with;—to unite and live with; to live in harmony (with):—milnā-julnā, or milnā-jhulnā, v.n. To meet cordially; to have unrestricted intercourse (with):—milnāsanjonā, To get the intended presents ready:—milnā-hilnā, v.n. To be together; to act together; to join, combine, coalesce:—milne-ko jānā, To go to meet or receive; togo on a visit (to, -ko).
Origin: Hindi