Previous 200 Entries49814. ممیانا 49815. ممیرا 49816. ممیز 49817. ممیزہ 49818. ممیزي 49819. من49820. من 49821. من 49822. من 49823. من 49824. من 49825. من 49826. من 49827. من 49828. من 49829. من 49830. منا 49831. منا 49832. منا 49833. منا 49834. مناءی 49835. منات 49836. مناجات 49837. منادي 49838. منادي 49839. منادَي 49840. منار 49841. منارتھہ 49842. منارہ 49843. منازعت 49844. منازل 49845. مناسب 49846. مناسبت 49847. مناسبی 49848. مناظرہ 49849. منافع 49850. منافق 49851. مناقب 49852. مناقبت 49853. مناقشہ 49854. مناك 49855. مناكا 49856. منال 49857. منال 49858. منانا 49859. منانا 49860. مناہ 49861. مناهی 49862. مناونا 49863. مناونون 49864. مناوي 49865. منءی 49866. منایی 49867. منبت 49868. منبتی 49869. من بچ كرم 49870. منبر 49871. منبسط 49872. منبع 49873. منت 49874. منت 49875. منت 49876. منتج 49877. منتخب 49878. منتخبات 49879. منتر 49880. منترت 49881. منترتا 49882. منترتو 49883. منترنا 49884. منتري 49885. منتشر 49886. منتظر 49887. منتظم 49888. منتفع 49889. منتفی 49890. منتقش 49891. منتقل 49892. منتقم 49893. منتھا 49894. منتہت 49895. منتھر 49896. منتھن 49897. منتھنی 49898. منتھہ 49899. منتہی 49900. منتہَی 49901. منتی 49902. مؤنث 49903. منٹها 49904. منج 49905. منج 49906. منج 49907. منج 49908. منجا 49909. منجا 49910. منجا 49911. منجا 49912. منجا 49913. منجا 49914. منجا 49915. منجار 49916. منجاڑ 49917. منجانا 49918. منجانب 49919. منجر 49920. منجر 49921. منجر 49922. منجرانا 49923. منجري 49924. منجري 49925. منجشٹها 49926. منجل 49927. منجل 49928. منجل 49929. منجل 49930. منجلا 49931. منجلاب 49932. منجلتا 49933. منجلی 49934. منجم 49935. منجمد 49936. منجملہ 49937. منجن 49938. منجنا 49939. منجنیق 49940. منجھا 49941. منجھا 49942. منجھا 49943. منجھار 49944. منجھارا 49945. منجھلا 49946. منجھن 49947. منجھنا 49948. منجھہ 49949. منجھولا 49950. منجھولی 49951. منجھے 49952. منجھیلا 49953. منجھیلی 49954. منجو 49955. منجوشا 49956. منجول 49957. منجیٹ 49958. منجیٹهہ 49959. منجیر 49960. منجیرا 49961. منچ 49962. منچا 49963. منچان 49964. منچلا 49965. منچھہ 49966. منچوا 49967. منحرف 49968. منحرفی 49969. منحصر 49970. منحنی 49971. منحوس 49972. منخر 49973. منخرین 49974. مند 49975. مند 49976. مند 49977. مندا 49978. منداتما 49979. مندادر 49980. مندار 49981. مندار 49982. منداكنی 49983. مندالسا 49984. مندانا 49985. مندایمان 49986. مندت 49987. مندتا 49988. مندتر 49989. مندتو 49990. مندر 49991. مندر 49992. مندر 49993. مندرا 49994. مندرا 49995. مندرا 49996. مندراچل 49997. مندراكنی 49998. مندرالسا 49999. مندرج 50000. مندرجہ 50001. مندرس 50002. مندروا 50003. مندري 50004. مندریا 50005. مندككر 50006. مندل 50007. مندل 50008. مندل 50009. مندل 50010. مندلا 50011. مندلی 50012. مندنا 50013. مندہ


मन man[Prk. मणो; S. मनस् ], s.m. The mind (considered as the seat of perception and passion); power of mind; intellect, intelligence, understanding, perception, sense;—the heart; soul; spirit;—inclination; will; purpose;—character, disposition, mood, temper:—man aṭaknā, or man ulajhnā, The mind or heart (of a person, kā, or merā) to be captivated (by, -se); to be enamoured (of), to fall in love (with):—man uṭhnā, or uṭh-jānā, The mind, or affection, or attention (of, -kā, or merā) to be removed or withdrawn (from, -se); to be estranged (from); to be tired (of), or disgusted (with):—manārth (˚na+ar˚), s.m. Object or desire of the mind; desire, intention, object, aim, purpose:—man uktānā, or uktājānā, The mind (of, -kā, or merā) to weary (of, -se), to be tired or sick (of):—man-bićār, s.m., and man-bidyā, s.f.=manvidyā, q.v.:—man basnā(kisī-ke), To dwell in, or to fill, the mind (of a person):—man bhārīkarnā, or man burākarnā, To load or burden the mind with sorrow or care; to give way to grief; to take to heart;—man burākarnā, To take offence, to be displeased:—man bhānā, v.n. To be agreeable to the mind, to please;—adj.=man-bhāwan, q.v.;—man bhānāmunḍiyāhilānā, To shake the head disapprovingly at what is agreeable to the mind; to pretend to refuse that which one desires in his heart (e.g. man bhā`e munḍiyāhilā`e):—man-bhā`ū, or man-bhāwtā, or man bhāwan, or man-bhā`onā, or man-bhāyā, (Braj) man-bhāyau, adj. & s.m. Grateful or agreeable to the mind or soul; acceptable; pleasing; amusing, diverting; beautiful, charming;—a beloved object, sweetheart, mistress:—man bharnāor bharjānā, The mind (of, -kā, or merā) to be filled or satisfied (by, -se); to be sated or cloyed:—man bahlānā(-kā, or apnā), To amuse or divert the mind (of); to divert oneself (with, -se):—man par ānā, or man-par lānā(-ke, or mere, or apne), To come, or to bring, into the mind; to purpose, resolve, determine:—man-pūraṇ, s.m. Satisfaction of mind; confidence:—man-pai (or man-pe) dharnā(apne) = man-par lānā:—man-ćā`ū, adv. With pleasure, willingly, cheerfully:—man-ćāhī, s.f. Self-will; wilfulness, waywardness, obstinacy:—man-ćāhīkarnā, To be self-willed, to act wilfully, to be wayward:—man-ćalā, adj. Giving the mind (to); assiduous; intent, eager; zealous; active;—bold, brave, courageous;—generous, liberal;—distracted or unsound in mind, crazy, daft, mad:—man-ćalnā(-par), The mind, or heart, to go (after), to desire eagerly, to long (for), to be eager (for);—to be distracted in mind, to become crazy or mad:—man-ćalī, s.f. Eagerness of mind; assiduity; intentness; zeal;—boldness, courage;—generosity, liberality;—distraction of mind, craziness, madness:—man-ćor, s.m. (f. -nī, or -in, or -ī), Heart-stealer:—man-cītā, adj. Desired of the heart; desired, wished for, sought, contemplated:—man-jāt (S. mano-jāta), adj. & s.m. (dialec.) 'Mind-born';—love; the god of love (i.q. Kām-dev):—man-dar-āwardī, adj. 'What comes into the mind'; fanciful; invented (speech, or story):—man denā(-ko), or man lānā(-par), To give, or to bring, the mind (to), to apply the mind (to); to attend (to):—manranjak, adj. (f. -ikā), Heart-delighting; pleasing to the mind, agreeable, gratifying:—manranjan, s.m. The act of pleasing the mind; captivation of the mind; pleasingness, agreeableness, loveliness, pleasantness;—adj. = man-ranjak, q.v.:—man-samjhautī, s.f. Reasoning with oneself; comforting or consoling oneself; submission; resignation:—man-kā ćītā, s.m. The desire of the heart:—man-kāmnā, s.f. Heart's desire; desire, wish; inclination; purpose:—man-kāmailā, or mankākhoṭā, or man-kākapṭī, adj. 'Of bad or evil mind'; disingenuous; deceitful; crafty:—man kaććākarnā, v.n. To lose heart; to give way; to droop, become discouraged or dispirited;—to break the heart or spirit (of another), to discourage; to deter:—man karnā(-kā), To have a mind (for), to desire:—man-kelā, s.m.(?) A kind of pastime (i.q. phal-bujhauwal, q.v.):—man-ke laḍḍūphoṛnā, or man-ke laḍḍūlurhānā, To break, or to roll, imaginary laḍḍūs (q.v.); to build castles in the air:—man-ke-manmeṅ, adv. In the very mind itself; in the depths or recesses of the mind or soul:—man-kīmanmeṅrahnā, The desire of the mind to remain in the mind, a desire to remain unsatisfied:—mankīmauj, s.f.=man-mauj, q.v.:—man-gyān, s.m.=man-vidyā, q.v.:—man lānā(-par), or man lagānā(-meṅ), To bring, or to apply, the mind (to); to fix the mind (upon), to be attentive (to); to set the heart or affections (upon):—man-lagan, s.m. Heart-attachment; heartengaging:—man lagnā(-meṅ), The mind to be fixed (on); to have the heart or affections set (upon); to take delight (in):—man lenā(-kā), To captivate the heart (of), to charm, to win;—to take the opinion or views (of); to fathom the thoughts (of); to sound; 'to feel the pulse (of)':—man-mārā, part. adj. & s.m. (f. -ī), Having the desire repressed or mortified; grieved, sad, dejected;—one whose desires are repressed, etc.:—man-mār rahnā, or man mārke baiṭh-rahnā, 'To repress desire and remain patient or quiet'; to suffer grief, or loss, etc. with patience:—man mārnā(apnā), To repress desire or feeling; to restrain oneself; to deny oneself (a pleasure, etc.); to abstain;—to be grieved or troubled in mind:—man-mān, s.m., and man-mānī, s.f. Heart's desire; choice:—man-mānā(f. -ī), and man-māntā, adj. According to one's wish or inclination; to one's heart's content; satisfactory;—agreeable, or pleasing to the mind; soothing; charming;—optional; at pleasure;—s.m. (f. -ī), A sweetheart, mistress; spouse:—man-māne, adv. As the mind may desire; to heart's content; ad libitum:—man-mānī, s.f.=man-mān;—adj. & adv.=man-māntā, q.v.:—man-mānī, s.f. Selfwill, wilfulness; wantonness:—man-mānya, adj. Self-willed, wilful; wanton:—man-matā, s.m. Mere opinion, surmise, conjecture:—manmast, adj. Merry, jovial (i.q. man-mauji):—man-milā-ke, adv. With one mind, unanimously; in unison; sympathetically:—man milānā(-se), To put ooneself at accord (with), to sympathize (with):—man-milā`ū, and manmel, adj. & s.m. Captivating the mind or heart; conciliating, winning, pleasing, that gains or wins all hearts;—sympathetic:—man milnā, To be of one mind; to be in sympathy (with, -se):—man-mile, s.m. pl. Those of one mind:—man-malīn, adj. Sad at heart, troubled in mind, dejected, downcast, melancholy; distressed; vexed, displeased:—man-mauj, s.f. Selfconceit;—a conceit in the mind; an amusing thought, a tickling fancy;—emotion of the mind; pleasure, rapture, ecstasy;—whim, caprice, crotchet:—man-maujī, adj. Selfconceited;—full of conceits;—fanciful, capricious, whimsical;—merry, jovial;—a selfconceited man, etc.:—man-mohan, adj. & s.m. (f. -ī), Mind-infatuating; heart-ravishing; fascinating, captivating, charming, engaging, delighting;—heart-ravisher, sweetheart; mistress;—an epithet of Krishṇa:—manmohan-pyārā, s.m. (f. -ī), The beloved heartravisher, etc. (see man-mohan):—man-mailā, adj.=man-malīn, q.v.:—man-meṅ, (dialec.) man-māṅh, adv. In or into the mind; to oneself:—man-meṅ ānā(-ke, or mere), To come into the mind (of), to enter the mind, to occur (to);—(a thing) to commend itself (to), to meet with approval, tofind a place in the heart:—man-meṇkahnā, 'To say in the mind,' to say to oneself:—man-hārak (f. -ikā), and man-hārī(f. -iṇī), adj. & s.m. Heart-stealing, captivating the mind or heart, heart-ravishing, captivating, bewitching, fascinating, enchanting, charming, delightful (i.q. manohar);—heart-stealer, heart-ravisher, etc.:—man-haraṇ, s.m. Heart-ravishment, captivation, fascination, enchantment, charm;—adj. & s.m.=man-mohan, q.v.:—man-haraṇ-pyārā= man-mohan-pyārā, q.v.:—man harnā(-kā), To steal the heart (of):—man-hīṅ-man, adv. In (one's) heart of hearts; in (one's) innermost soul; with a sincere heart:—man-hī-meṅ, adv. In the very soul; in (one's) heart of hearts; quite to oneself (himself, herself, myself).
Origin: Hindi

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