mutamakkin (act. part. of تمكّن , v of (and syn. with) مكُن 'to possess authority,' etc.), part. adj. Possessing authority, powerful; dominant; prevalent;—firmly settled or seated; fixed, established, placed, located, residing, inhabiting;—(in Ar. Gram.) declined, declinable (lit.'possessed of the nominal character');—s.m. An inhabitant, a resident;—(in Gram.) a diptote or noun of twoterminations (viz. nom., and gen. dat. abl. acc.);—a triptote or noun of threeterminations (viz. nom., gen. dat. abl., and or acc.; in this case mutamakkinstands for mutamakkině-amkan, 'possessed of (the nominal character) to the fullest extent'; syn. munṣarif):—g̠airmutamakkin, adj. & s.m. Indeclinable;—an indeclinable noun.
Origin: Arabic