ले le[conj. part. of lenā; Prk. लिहअ, or लेइअ; S. लब्ध्वा, rt. लभ् ], part. Having taken, etc. (see lenā);—adv. With, together with (com. used as first member of comp. verbs, e.g.) leuṛnā(-ko), To fly away with; to set off; to blaze up:—le-ānā(-ko), To come with, to bring; to produce; to import;—le-ān-hārā, s.m. Bringer, producer:—le-bhāgnā(-ko), To run away with, be off with, carry off, abduct:—le-bhāgū, s.m. One who is in the habit of running off with (things); one who picks up and carries off without being taught:—le-baiṭhnā(-ko), To sit down with; to settle down with; to bring (another) down with (oneself):—le-pālak (fr. lepālnā), s.m. An adopted child, a foster-child:—le-pālak karnā, v.t.=le-pālnā(-ko), To adopt, rear, bring up, father:—le-paṛnā(-ko), To lie with, coire;—to involve (another) in (one's) disgrace:—le-jānā(-ko), To go away with, to take away; to carry, convey (to); to export; to refer (to); to carry off or away, bear off; to run away with; to win; to conquer, master:—le-ćalnā(-ko), To take along (or in company) with; to carry, convey, conduct, lead:—le-deke, adv. After all deductions or payments; in all, altogether:—le-denā(-ko), To procure for (a person):—le-ḍālnā, v.t. To down with; to fall on to (usually an intensive form of lenā, q.v.):—le-ḍūbnā(-ko), To sink or be drowned with, to go down with:—le-rakhnā(-ko), To put by, lay by; to provide, to keep ready:—le-rahnā(-ko), To earn, get, pick up; to cheat; to pilfer:—le-saṭaknā= le-bhāgnā, q.v.:—le-sonā= le-paṛnā, q.v.:—le-lenā, v.t. To take away again, to take back (also intens. of lenā, q.v.):—le-marnā(-ko), To die with;—to accuse falsely, to calumniate:—le-nikalnā(-ko), To come out with; to carry off or away.
Origin: Hindi