काट kāṭ(rt. of kāṭnā, q.v.), s.f. A cutting; cleavage; dissection; separation, severance, disconnection; a cut, slash, incision; execution; a bite; a wound;(met.) an untruth, a falsehood;—a section; a chip; a slice, piece, bit, part, fraction, patch, plot (of ground);—a passage, way, channel;—spur (of a cock);—scum, dirt, lees, sediment;—keenness, sharpness; edge (of a sword, etc.);—warmth; pungency; virulence; corrosiveness; damage, loss:—kāṭ-phāṅs, s.f. Cutting and clipping; cuttings; deductions, etc. (=kāṭ-ćhāṅṭ, and kāṭ-kūṭ); backbiting;—kāṭ-phāṅs karnā(-kī), To cut and clip; to backbite:—kāṭ-ćhāṅṭ, or kāṭ-kūṭ, s.f. Cutting and clipping; cutting and hacking; pruning, lopping; cutting out; curtailing; scratching, scribbling;—cuttings, clippings, chips, scraps; deductions, retrenchments; scrapings, pickings; petty savings; erasures, amendments (in writing, etc.);—kāṭ-ćhāṅṭkarnā, or kāṭ-kūṭkarnā, v.t. To cut and clip; to prune; to cut out; to cut off; to amputate; to hack, mangle, mutilate; to scratch out, make erasures (in), to correct; to make deductions (from), to deduct:—kāṭ-qabāla, s.m. A conditional engagement; a deed of conditional sale (stipulating that if the purchase price be not returned within a given period the sale is absolute); a mortgage deed with liability of sale if not redeemed by a stipulated time:—kāṭkarnā, v.n. To make an incision or wound (in), to cut, to wound; to cut a passage (for); to cut away; to corrode;to destroy:—kāṭ-kūṭ, s.f. = kāṭ-ćhāṅṭ, q.v.:—kāṭkhānā(-kī), To suffer loss or damage:—kāt-ā-kāṭī, s.f. Cutting up, cutting to pieces, a general slaughter or massacre (=kāṭā, q.v.):—adh-kāṭ, s.f. The diameter (of a circle); the diagonal of a square).
Origin: Hindi