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काल kāla, vulg. kāl, s.m. Time; (in Gram.) tense; season; age; right or proper time, fit season; meal-time; Time personified; destiny, fate; death; time of death; the messenger or angel of death; the regent of the dead, one of the names of Jam or Yama:—kāl ānā(-ko), Death to come, the last hour to come (to):—kālāntar (kāla+an˚), s.m. Intervening time, interval; the lapse of time, the process of time, period;—another time; a more suitable time:—kāl bitānā, To pass time; to spend time, to while away time; to waste time:—kāl-bas, adj. In the clutches or grasp of death; liable to death; seized by fate;—kāl-bas honā, v.n. To be in the clutches of death or fate, etc.:—kāl-prabhāt, s.m. 'The dawning of the best season,' the two months following the rainy season; the sultry season; the autumn:—kāla-jna, vulg.kālagya, s.m. One who knows the fixed times or seasons; an astrologer:—kāla-jnān, vulg. kāl-gyān, s.m. Worldly or secular knowledge, the knowledge of worldly things (as distinguished from things spiritual and eternal):—kāl-ćakra, s.m. The wheel of time; a given revolution of time, a cycle, a period of time, an epoch:—kāl-dharm, s.m. The law, rule, or operation of time; death, dying;—the influence of time; seasonableness:—kāl-rātri, s.f. 'The night of all-destroying time'; a particular night in the life of man, on the seventh day of the seventh month of the seventy-seventh year (after which period a man is exempt from attending to the usual religious ordinances):—kāl-sūtra, s.m. The thread of time or death; name of one of the twenty-one hells:—kāl kāṭnā= kāl-bitānā, q.v.:—kāl-kar jānā, v.n. To go the way of all flesh:—kāl-kram, s.m. The lapse of time, the process of time:—kālkramik, adv. According to the process of time:—kāla-kshep, s.m. Allowing time to pass away, delay, loss of time; spending or passing time; enduring suffering or affliction:—kāl-ke bas honā, v.n. To be subject to time and circumstances; to be in the hands of death (=kāl-bas honā):—kāl-kījeoṛī, s.f. lit.'Rope of death'; a snake:—kāl-ke samāćār, s.m. pl. 'The Books of Chronicles:—kāl gaṅwānā= kāl bitānā, q.v.:—kāl-nemī, s.f. The felly or rim of the wheel of time'; a kind of terrible weapon;—name of an Asuror demon (slain by Krishṇ):—kāl-vāćak, adj. (in Gram.) Denoting time, having reference to time, of time:—kāl-vaś, adj.=kāl-bas, q.v.

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