qā’ida (for A. قاعدة qā’idat, fem. of qā’id, act. part. of قعد 'to sit,' etc.), s.m. Basis, foundation, groundwork; base (of a geom. fig., or of a column); a pedestal; (in Gram.) a rule;—rule, regulation, law, institute, precept, maxim; formula; institution; usual course of procedure, custom, usage, habit, practice, mode, manner, way; manners, etiquette;—regularity, uniformity;—a first reading-book, a primer:—qā’ida bāṅdhnā(-kā), or qā`ida muqarrar karnā(-ko), To make a rule (of), to make (one's) established custom or practice, etc.; to regulate, fix, determine, establish; to prescribe, ordain; to provide, stipulate:—qā’ide-dān, s.m. One versed in rules of practice, or forms, or customs, or ceremonies; an expert, an authority:—qā’ide-seor hasb-ě-qā`ida, adv. According to rule or practice, as usual; in due course or form; in order; according to the rank or social condition (of, -ke).
Origin: Persian