taraf (v.n. fr. طرف 'to look with the outer corner of the eye'), s.f. & postpn. Extremity, end; limit, term; side, direction; outward or adjacent part or portion; margin, border; corner; region, district, quarter, tract, part (syn. jānib, and or);—in the direction (of, -kī), towards; in lieu (of), in right (of); to the extent (of):—taraf-ě-sānī, The other side, pars altera, a defendant, an adversary, enemy; (met.) a wife:—taraf-dār, adj. & s.m. Taking a side; partial;-a party-man, partisan; a follower; a sectary; an assistant:—taraf-dārī, s.f. The act of taking a side, following, leaning, partiality, partisanship; party-spirit; favouring, assistance, etc.:—taraf-dārīkarnā(-kī), To take the side (of), to side (with), to show favour or partiality, to favour, etc.:—taraf-se (-kī, etc.), On the part (of), in behalf (of), from (e.g. merītaraf-se, 'in my behalf,' 'from me'):—taraf honā(-kī), To be on the side (of), etc.:—apnītaraf dekhnā, To regard oneself, to have respect for one's own dignity:—apnītaraf-se, On (his or my, etc.) side or part; from (his or my, etc.) own pocket, from (his or my, etc.) private purse:—bar taraf, adv. Aside, apart, away, out of the way; out of the question; dismissed (from office):—bar taraf karnā(-ko), To put aside or away, to get rid of; to dismiss (from office):—yak taraf, adv. On one side, apart, separate.
Origin: Arabic