tar, vulg. tara (inf. n. of طرح 'to throw, cast,' etc.), s.f. Throwing; ejection; laying (a foundation); fixing (a position, etc.); foundation (of a building, etc.); position, establishment, location; plan, design; form, description, sort, kind; manner, mode; air (syn. andāz); state, condition (syn. āl); a verse set, showing the particular metre in which a poem is to be composed:—tar-ba-tar or tara-ba-tara (-ke or -kī), Various sorts (of):—tara-dār, adj. Well-shaped, beautiful, graceful:-tara-dārī, s.f. Beauty, elegance, grace, style:—tara dikhānā, To exhibit (one's) airs and graces; to affect:—tar (or tara) denā(-ko), To throw away, cast aside; to disregard, overlook, pass over, or by, unnoticed; to turn a deaf ear (to):—tar-kash, adj. Drawing a plan (of), designing; sketching; imitating:—is tara or is tara-se, adv. In this way, thus, accordingly:—burītara or be-tara, adv. In a bad way, badly, severely, shamefully, disgracefully:—kis tara, In what manner? how?—kisītara, adv. Anyhow; somehow or other:—ka`ītara-se, adv. In many ways; in many respects.
Origin: Arabic