tālib (act. part. of طلب 'to seek,' etc.), part. adj. & s.m. Seeking, desiring, desirous, craving, demanding, asking, interrogating;—a seeker, an inquirer, a desirer, an asker, etc.:—tālib-ě-dunyā, adj. & s.m. Worldly-minded;—one who seeks worldly goods or pleasures, etc.:—tālib-ě-dīdar, s.m. One who longs for the sight (of), a suitor, a lover:—tālibu`l-`ilm, or tālib-ě-`ilm, or tālib-`ilm, s.m. A seeker after knowledge, a student of science or knowledge; a student:—tālibū`l-`ilmī, or tālib-ě-`ilmīor tālib-`ilmī, s.f. Search after knowledge, study;—the state of being a student, pupilage:—tālib-o-matlūb, 'The seeker and the sought,' lovers.
Origin: Arabic