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ँयेन śyena, vulg. śyen, s.m. White (the colour);—(f. -ī) a hawk, a falcon. صص ādor swād (called ād-ě-mǒhmalaor ād-ě-gair-manqūta), is the twentieth letter of the Urdū alphabet (the fourteenth of the Arabic, from which it is taken).. It occurs almost exclusively in words borrowed from the Arabic or in the secondary formations from such words. In the few Persian words in which it is found, it has been substituted, in modern times, for the original sīnor s, to distinguish them, it is affirmed, from others of a different signification (e.g. ad, 'one hundred,' for orig. sad; and shat, 'sixty,' for orig. shast; to prevent their being confounded with sad, 'a wall'; and shast, 'an aim'). In Arabic it is a strongly articulated palatal s, somewhat like our ssin hiss; but in Persian and Hindūstānīits pronunciation is hardly distinguishable from that of sīn. In reckoning according to the abjad, q.v., its value is 90. As an abbreviation, it is used for, 1˚ aī, written on documents or accounts to indicate that they have been examined or checked, etc.; 2˚for afar, the name of the second month in the Arabian calendar:—ād karnā, v.t. To mark (a document, etc.) with the letter , implying that it has been examined, or checked, or approved, etc.; to check (an account); to approve, authenticate, grant, sanction.

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