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shāh[Zend khshaya, rt. khshi= S. िक्ष(क्षयित)], s.m. King, prince, monarch, etc.; the king (at chess or cards); a title assumed by faqīrs;—adj. (in comp.) Royal, noble, great, excellent, principal; the longest, largest, or best (of its kind), etc.:—shāh-ālū, s.m. A kind of plum; a prune, Prunus cerabus:—shāh-bāz, adj. Royal, noble, generous;—s.m. A royal falcon:—shāh-bāsh, intj. perhaps for shābāsh, q.v.:—shāh-bāshī, s.f.=shābāshī, q.v.:—shāhbālā, s.m. The boy (of the same age, height, and figure as the bridegroom, and similarly dressed and decorated) who accompanies the bridegroom to the bride's house on the night of the barāt;—the groom or attendant who rides behind a great man (also shah-bālā):—shāhballūt̤or balūt̤, s.m. 'Royal oak'; the oak; the chesnut:—shāh-bandar, s.m. Chief port or harbour; (local) custom-house;—a harbourmaster; the receiver-general of duties or tribute:—shāh-par (and shah-par), s.m. The largest or strongest feather (in a bird's wing):—shāh-tarraor tara, s.m. Fumitory, Fumaria officinalis:—shāh-tīr (and shah-tīr), s.m. The large beam (of a house); a beam:—shāh-ě-ḵẖāwar, s.m. 'The monarch of the East,' the sun:—shāh-ḵẖẉurdī, s.f. A kind of sweetmeat used on great occasions:—shāh-darā, s.m. A village on a river (in front of a king's palace);—the highway:—shāh-daryā, s.m. 'Old man of the sea'; one of the seven demons held in awe by Moḥammadan women:—shāh-rāh, s.f. 'King's road,' the highway, main road; a principal street:—shāh-zādagī(and shahzādagī), s.f. The state, or the youth, of a prince; nobility (syn. amīrī); the minority of a prince;—youthful folly; foolish pride:—shāhzāda (and shah-zāda), s.m. 'King's son,' the prince-royal; a prince; (in the language of women) a dear son:—shāh-zādī, s.f. A princess; a queen;—the state of prince or princess:—shāh-sawār (and shah-sawār), s.m. A good rider, an expert horseman:—shāh-gām, adj. Pleasant-paced, having easy paces (a horse);—s.m. The royal pace, name of a particular pace of a horse:—shāh-ě-gardūn, s.m. 'King of the firmament,' the sun:—shāh-ě-mardān, 'King of heroes,' a title of the Khalīfa `Alī:—shāh-ě-mashriq, s.m. 'Monarch of the East,' the sun:—shāh-nāma, s.f. A celebrated epic poem, containing a history of the kings of Persia (written by Firdausīabout the year of Christ 1000):—shāh-ě-nīm-roz, s.m. 'King of midday,' the sun:—shāh-nishīn (and shah-nishīn), s.m. The king's seat (i.e. a gallery or balcony projecting from the palace, where the king shows himself to his people); a balcony, gallery; the principal seat in an assembly, a president's seat:—shāh-wār (and shah-wār), adj. Royal, princely, noble; like a king; fit for a king, befitting a king;—s.m. A fine royal pearl.
Origin: Persian

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