shād[Zend shāta, perf. part. of shā, 'to rejoice,' etc.], adj. Pleased, delighted, exulting, joyful, happy, glad, cheerful, rejoicing (in); (in comp.) full (of); much:—shād-āb, adj. Full of water or moisture, moist, humid, succulent; fresh, verdant; pleasant, agreeable:—shād-ābī, s.f. Moisture; succulence; freshness, verdure; etc.:—shād-ḵẖẉār, adj. Fortunate, well off; voluptuous;—s.f. A dancing-girl, an adulteress, a strumpet:—shād-dil, adj. Cheerful, gayhearted, delighted, happy:—shād-kām, adj. Rejoicing, exulting; joyous, happy, contented:—shād-kāmī, s.f. Gladness, happiness, delight, content:—shād karnā(-ko), To gladden, delight, rejoice, exhilarate.
Origin: Persian