ḵẖẉushī, ḵẖushī(fr. ḵẖẉush), s.f. Happiness, gladness, delight, joy; pleasure, enjoyment; cheerfulness, mirth, gaiety, fun; will, voluntariness, choice, consent:—ḵẖushī-ḵẖāt̤ir, ḵẖushī-ḵẖushī, adv. Of (one's own) free will and pleasure, voluntarily;—at (one's own) convenience:—ḵẖushī-ḵẖushī, and ḵẖushī-se, adv. With pleasure, happily, gladly, cheerfully, joyfully, willingly:—ḵẖushīkarnā, To make merry, to rejoice;—to do the bidding or pleasure (of), to please:—ḵẖushī-ke log, s.m. pl. People who afford pleasure or amusement, players; jesters; dancing girls:—ḵẖushī-meṅānā, v.n. To get into a state of delight, to be pleased;—to become an object of love or affection; to be the pleasure or will (of), to please.
Origin: Persian