ḵẖẉush, ḵẖush[Zend usta, uś+śtā= S. उद्+ःथा], adj. Good; excellent; healthy, wholesome; flourishing, prosperous, well;—sweet, delicious; delightful, agreeable, acceptable; pleasing, pleasant; beautiful, fair, charming, elegant; amiable, affable, cheerful, glad, happy, pleased, delighted, merry, gay; content, willing:—ḵẖush-āb, ḵẖosh-āb, adj. Moist, fresh, juicy, succulent, full of water; having good water (a pearl, etc.); clear, pellucid; bright, brilliant:—ḵẖush-ābī, s.f. Moistness, freshness, succulence, etc.:—ḵẖushaḵẖtar, adj. Of lucky star, fortunate:—ḵẖushaḵẖtarī, s.f. Good fortune:—ḵẖush-uslūb, adj. Well-proportioned, of elegant form, elegant, neat:—ḵẖush-uslūbī, s.f. Elegance of form or proportion:—ḵẖush-at̤wār, adj. Wellconducted, well-bred, mannerly:—ḵẖush-iqrār, adj. Good in promising, abounding in promises:—ḵẖush-ilḥān, adj. & adv. Sweetly singing, tuneful, melodious, musical, sweet;—with a sweet voice, melodiously:—ḵẖush-ilḥānī, s.f. Sweet singing, tunefulness, melody:—ḵẖush-āmad, s.f. See s.v.:—ḵẖush ānā(-ko), To prove acceptable (to), to be agreeable or pleasing (to), to please:—ḵẖushandām, adj. Well-formed:—ḵẖush-intizāmī, s.f. Good management, good administration:—ḵẖush-āwāz, ḵẖush-āhang, adj. & adv. Sweetvoiced, melodious;—with a sweet voice:—ḵẖush-āwāzī, s.f. Sweetness of voice:—ḵẖush-āyand, ḵẖush-āyanda, adj. Coming agreeably or pleasantly; flattering (caresses); pleasing, agreeable, delightful, amiable, charming; grateful, pleasant, wholesome:—ḵẖush-bāsh, adj. & s.m. Free to stay or depart, unrestrained; having a temporary residence;—living comfortably or at ease;—one at liberty to stay or go;—a temporary resident; one newly settled;—one who lives in comfort or at ease:—ḵẖush-bāshī, s.f. Liberty to stay or go, a welcome;—the living in a state of ease or comfort, or the being enabled to live so:—ḵẖush-bāshī-jam`, s.f. A light assessment, low rent:—ḵẖush-bū, ḵẖush-bo, s.f. Fragrance, perfume, odour;—adj.=ḵẖush-bū-dār, adj.—Sweet-smelling, fragrant, odoriferous, aromatic:—ḵẖush-bo`ī, s.f. & adj.=ḵẖush-bo:—ḵẖush-bayān, adj. & s.m. Perspicuous; eloquent:—an eloquent speaker, an orator:—ḵẖush-bayānī, s.f. Eloquence; oratory; rhetoric:—ḵẖush-purkār, adj. Wellproportioned, well-shaped:—ḵẖush-poshāk, adj. Well-dressed;—fond of good clothes:—ḵẖush-taḥrīr, s.m. A good-writer:—ḵẖushtarāsh, adj. Elegantly cut or shaped, wellmade:—ḵẖush-tadbīrī, s.f. Good management, good policy:—ḵẖush-tarkīb, adj. Of elegant mould or form:—ḵẖush-taqrīr, adj. Eloquent; of winning address; skilled in argument:—ḵẖush-jauhar, adj. Of fine water (steel, gems, etc.):—ḵẖush jauharī, s.f. Fineness of water (in jewels, etc.):—ḵẖush-ćashm, adj. Having beautiful eyes:—ḵẖush-ćashmī, s.f. Loveliness of eye:—ḵẖush-ćhab, adj.=ḵẖush-uslūb, q.v.:—ḵẖush-ḥāl, adj. In pleasant or easy circumstances; happy; fortunate:—ḵẖush-ḥālī, s.f. Easy circumstances; prosperity:—ḵẖush-ḵẖāl, s.f. lit. 'Having a good mole'; a mistress, a sweetheart:—ḵẖush-ḵẖabar, adj. & s.m. Bringing good news;—one who brings good news:—ḵẖush-ḵẖabarī, s.f. Glad tidings, good news:—ḵẖush-ḵẖirām, adj. Of graceful gait, graceful in walking:—ḵẖush-ḵẖirāmī, s.f. Graceful walk or gait:—ḵẖush-ḵẖarīd, s.f. Paying ready money; purchasing in private sale; private sale;—buying cheap; a bargain:—ḵẖush-ḵẖat̤, s.m. Fine writing, good handwriting:—ḵẖush-ḵẖat̤ī, s.f. Fine penmanship, caligraphy:—ḵẖush-ḵẖiṣāl, or ḵẖush-ḵẖaṣlat, or ḵẖush-ḵẖulq, or ḵẖush-ḵẖo, adj. & s.m. Of good disposition, well-bred, affable, polite;—one who has a good or affable disposition:—ḵẖush-ḵẖulqī, ḵẖush-ḵẖo`ī, s.f. Pleasantness of manner, affability, politeness:—ḵẖush-ḵẖẉār, s.m. A good liver, one who lives well:—ḵẖush-ḵẖẉān, s.m. One who sings sweetly; one who reads well;—a pupil who pays school fees:—ḵẖush-ḵẖurāk, s.m. One who lives well:—ḵẖush-ḵẖurī, s.f. Good eating and drinking, good living:—ḵẖush-ḵẖush, adv.=ḵẖushī-ḵẖushī, q.v.:—ḵẖush-dāman, s.f. Mother-in-law (syn. sās):—ḵẖush-dil, adj. 'Merry-hearted,' happy, pleased, delighted, cheerful:—ḵẖush-dilī, s.f. Happiness, cheerfulness:—ḵẖush-damāg̠, adj. Cheerful, gay, delighted:—ḵẖush-dahānor dahan, adj. Having a pleasing or beautiful mouth:—ḵẖushdahanī, s.f. Elegance or beauty of mouth:—ḵẖush-ẕā`ěqa, adj. Grateful to the taste, highflavoured, tasteful, palatable, savoury:—ḵẖushraftār, adj. Graceful in walking or in motion:—ḵẖush-rang, adj. Of a pleasant, or good, or bright colour:—ḵẖush-rau, adj. Pleasantpaced:—ḵẖush-rū, adj. Having a beautiful face, beautiful:—ḵẖush-roz, s.m. A day of festivity or diversion, a festival, a holiday:—ḵẖush rahnā(-se), To be in a state of pleasure, to be pleased, be happy, etc.:—ḵẖush-zabān, adj. Eloquent; of winning tongue; plausible:—ḵẖush-zabānī, s.f. Eloquence; sweetness of language, etc.:—ḵẖush-zamzama, adj. Sweet in song:—ḵẖush-saḵẖra, s.m. A pleasant, humorous fellow:—ḵẖush-sar-anjām, adj. Having a fortunate end,fortunate, happy;—ḵẖush-salīqa, adj. Of pleasant manner or method, well-bred, polite:—ḵẖush-salīqagī, s.f. Pleasantness of manner; goodness of method; politeness;—ḵẖush-ḵẖush-sawād, adj. Of pleasant environs:—ḵẖush-sawādī, s.f. Pleasant environs:—ḵẖush-t̤ālě`, adj. Of happy destiny, fortunate, prosperous:—ḵẖush-tālě`ī, s.f. Good fortune, prosperity:—ḵẖush-t̤ab`, adj. Of cheerful disposition, pleasant; jocular, merry, facetious;—ḵẖush-t̤ab`ī, s.f. Cheerfulness, gaiety, pleasantness; jocularity, mirth, pleasantry:—ḵẖush-t̤arīq, adj. Well-behaved, well-bred, mannerly:—ḵẖush-z̤āhir, adj. Of pleasing exterior or appearance, handsome:—ḵẖush-`ěnān, adj. Light in hand (a horse), of easy pace, gentle, tractable:—ḵẖush-gilāf, adj. & s.m. Having an easy-fitting scabbard;—a sword that comes forth from the scabbard with ease, or without being drawn (such a one is considered as the best of swords):—ḵẖush-fě`l, adj. Of proper conduct or action; of pleasant action:—ḵẖush-fě`lī, s.f. Propriety of action or conduct; pleasantness of action:—ḵẖush-qāmat, adj.=ḵẖush-qad, q.v.:—ḵẖush-qabāla, s.m. An unconditional engagement; a sale without stipulation:—ḵẖush-qad, adj. & s.f. Wellshaped, of elegant stature;—a sweetheart:—ḵẖush-qismat, adj.=ḵẖush-naṣīb, q.v.:—ḵẖushqat̤`, adj. Well-shaped, nicely cut out:—ḵẖushqat̤`ī, s.f. Elegance of cut or shape:—ḵẖushqumāsh, adj. Of good texture or quality:—ḵẖush karnā, v.t. To satisfy, gratify, please, delight, rejoice, gladden, amuse:—ḵẖush-gap, adj. & s.m. Conversible, pleasant, chatty;—an entertaining talker:—ḵẖush-guẕrān, adj. & s.m. Living in ease and comfort;—one who possesses a competency:—ḵẖush-guẕrānī, s.f. Passing life in ease and comfort; good living:—ḵẖush-go, adj. & s.m. Eloquent; melodious;—an eloquent man:—ḵẖush-gawār, adj. Pleasant, agreeable; sweet, delicious; easy of digestion:—ḵẖush-libās, adj. Well-dressed:—ḵẖush-mizāj, adj.=ḵẖush-t̤ab`, q.v.:—ḵẖush-maza, adj. Pleasant-tasted, well-flavoured, delicious:—ḵẖush-mazagī, s.f. Pleasantness of flavour:—ḵẖush-ma`āsh, adj. Well-fed; in easy circumstances:—ḵẖush-ma`āshī, s.f. Good living:—ḵẖush-nishīn, adj. Pleasantly-seated, sitting-easily, having room enough:—ḵẖushnaṣīb, adj. Of happy lot or portion, fortunate, lucky:—ḵẖush-naṣībī, s.f. Good fortune, luck:—ḵẖush-nag̠ma, adj.=ḵẖush-ilḥān, q.v.:—ḵẖush-nigāh, adj. Of pleasing aspect, welllooking:—ḵẖush-nigāhī, s.f. Pleasantness of aspect:—ḵẖush-numā, adj. Pleasant to the sight, beautiful, neat, pretty:—ḵẖush-numā`ī, s.f. Beauty, splendour:—ḵẖush-nawā, adj. Having a sweet voice:—ḵẖush-nawā`ī, s.f. Sweet singing:—ḵẖush-navīs, adj. & s.m. Writing an elegant hand;—a fine writer, a calligraphist; a writing-master:—ḵẖush-navīsī, s.f. Fine writing, calligraphy:—ḵẖush-nīyat, adj. Welldisposed; honest:—ḵẖush-nīyatī, s.f. Good disposition; good will:—ḵẖush-nīyatī-se, adv. In good faith:—ḵẖush-o-ḵẖurram, adj. & adv. Happy, rejoicing, cheerful, gay;—flourishing, prosperous, in good circumstances:—ḵẖush-waqt, adj. Happy; in good or happy circumstances:—ḵẖush-waqtī, s.f. Happiness, delight; entertainment:—ḵẖushhaẓm, adj. Easy of digestion:—ḵẖush honā(-se), To be pleased (with), be satisfied, to be glad, to rejoice (at).
Origin: Persian