◀Previous 200 Entries24794. خورندہ 24795. خورنق 24796. خورہ 24797. خوري 24798. خوزادہ 24799. خوش24800. خوشا 24801. خوشال 24802. خوشامد 24803. خوشامدي 24804. خوشبو 24805. خوشتر 24806. خوشترین 24807. خوشخانہ 24808. خوشنود 24809. خوشنود 24810. خوشنود 24811. خوشنودي 24812. خوشنودي 24813. خوشہ 24814. خوشی 24815. خوض 24816. خوف 24817. خوك 24818. خوگر 24819. خوگیر 24820. خوگیر 24821. خول 24822. خولنخن 24823. خون 24824. خونچہ 24825. خونن 24826. خونی 24827. خونین 24828. خویش 24829. خویش 24830. خویشاوند 24831. خویشاوندي 24832. خویشی 24833. خیابان 24834. خیار 24835. خیار 24836. خیاري 24837. خیارین 24838. خیاط 24839. خیال 24840. خیالات 24841. خیالہ 24842. خیالی 24843. خیانت 24844. خیر 24845. خیرات 24846. خیراتی 24847. خیرادي 24848. خیرادي 24849. خیرو 24850. خیرو 24851. خیري 24852. خیري 24853. خیز 24854. خیز 24855. خیزان 24856. خیزش 24857. خیزي 24858. خیشوم 24859. خیك 24860. خیل 24861. خیلا 24862. خیلا 24863. خیلاپن 24864. خیلے 24865. خیمہ 24866. خیمہ 24867. دﭤﺎﻧﺎ 24868. دﭤﺎﻧﺎ 24869. دﺟﺎ 24870. دﺟﺎ 24871. دﺟﻠﻪ 24872. دﺟﻠﻪ 24873. د 24874. د 24875. دﭤﻨﺎ 24876. دﭤﻬﻮﻧﺎ 24877. دﭼﻬﻨﻲ 24878. دﺧﺎﻧﯽ 24879. دﺧﻞ 24880. دا 24881. دا 24882. داءرہ 24883. داءرہ 24884. داءم 24885. داءم 24886. داءمی 24887. داءمی 24888. داءن 24889. داءی 24890. داءی 24891. داءین 24892. داءین 24893. داءین 24894. داءین 24895. داءین 24896. داءین 24897. داب 24898. داب 24899. داب 24900. داب 24901. دابا 24902. دابت 24903. دابنا 24904. دابھہ 24905. دابھیہ 24906. دابی 24907. داپ 24908. داپ 24909. دات 24910. دات 24911. داتا 24912. داتاپن 24913. داتار 24914. داتپن 24915. داتر 24916. داتر 24917. داترتا 24918. داترتا 24919. داترتو 24920. داترتو 24921. داتن 24922. داتون 24923. داتویتا 24924. داتویہ 24925. داج 24926. داخل 24927. داخلا 24928. داخلہ 24929. داخلی 24930. داد 24931. داد 24932. داد 24933. دادا 24934. دادار 24935. دادر 24936. دادرا 24937. دادروا 24938. دادس 24939. دادسرا 24940. دادسرا 24941. دادسسرا 24942. دادسسرا 24943. دادنی 24944. دادہ 24945. دادهنا 24946. دادو 24947. دادي 24948. دادي 24949. دار 24950. دار 24951. دار 24952. دار 24953. دار 24954. دارا 24955. دارا 24956. داراءی 24957. داراب 24958. دارج 24959. دارچینی 24960. دارد 24961. دارد 24962. داردر 24963. داردرنی 24964. داردري 24965. داردریہ 24966. دارڈهیہ 24967. دارشٹانت 24968. دارك 24969. دارك 24970. داركا 24971. دارمب 24972. دارمب 24973. دارمدار 24974. دارن 24975. دارن 24976. دارن 24977. دارو 24978. دارو 24979. داروڑا 24980. داروڑا 24981. داروڑي 24982. داروڑي 24983. داروغا 24984. داروغا 24985. داروغگی 24986. داروغگی 24987. داروكا 24988. داروكا 24989. داروي 24990. داروي 24991. داري 24992. داري 24993. داڑك


ḵẖẉush, ḵẖush[Zend usta, uś+śtā= S. उद्+ःथा], adj. Good; excellent; healthy, wholesome; flourishing, prosperous, well;—sweet, delicious; delightful, agreeable, acceptable; pleasing, pleasant; beautiful, fair, charming, elegant; amiable, affable, cheerful, glad, happy, pleased, delighted, merry, gay; content, willing:—ḵẖush-āb, ḵẖosh-āb, adj. Moist, fresh, juicy, succulent, full of water; having good water (a pearl, etc.); clear, pellucid; bright, brilliant:—ḵẖush-ābī, s.f. Moistness, freshness, succulence, etc.:—ḵẖushaḵẖtar, adj. Of lucky star, fortunate:—ḵẖushaḵẖtarī, s.f. Good fortune:—ḵẖush-uslūb, adj. Well-proportioned, of elegant form, elegant, neat:—ḵẖush-uslūbī, s.f. Elegance of form or proportion:—ḵẖush-at̤wār, adj. Wellconducted, well-bred, mannerly:—ḵẖush-iqrār, adj. Good in promising, abounding in promises:—ḵẖush-ilḥān, adj. & adv. Sweetly singing, tuneful, melodious, musical, sweet;—with a sweet voice, melodiously:—ḵẖush-ilḥānī, s.f. Sweet singing, tunefulness, melody:—ḵẖush-āmad, s.f. See s.v.:—ḵẖush ānā(-ko), To prove acceptable (to), to be agreeable or pleasing (to), to please:—ḵẖushandām, adj. Well-formed:—ḵẖush-intizāmī, s.f. Good management, good administration:—ḵẖush-āwāz, ḵẖush-āhang, adj. & adv. Sweetvoiced, melodious;—with a sweet voice:—ḵẖush-āwāzī, s.f. Sweetness of voice:—ḵẖush-āyand, ḵẖush-āyanda, adj. Coming agreeably or pleasantly; flattering (caresses); pleasing, agreeable, delightful, amiable, charming; grateful, pleasant, wholesome:—ḵẖush-bāsh, adj. & s.m. Free to stay or depart, unrestrained; having a temporary residence;—living comfortably or at ease;—one at liberty to stay or go;—a temporary resident; one newly settled;—one who lives in comfort or at ease:—ḵẖush-bāshī, s.f. Liberty to stay or go, a welcome;—the living in a state of ease or comfort, or the being enabled to live so:—ḵẖush-bāshī-jam`, s.f. A light assessment, low rent:—ḵẖush-bū, ḵẖush-bo, s.f. Fragrance, perfume, odour;—adj.=ḵẖush-bū-dār, adj.—Sweet-smelling, fragrant, odoriferous, aromatic:—ḵẖush-bo`ī, s.f. & adj.=ḵẖush-bo:—ḵẖush-bayān, adj. & s.m. Perspicuous; eloquent:—an eloquent speaker, an orator:—ḵẖush-bayānī, s.f. Eloquence; oratory; rhetoric:—ḵẖush-purkār, adj. Wellproportioned, well-shaped:—ḵẖush-poshāk, adj. Well-dressed;—fond of good clothes:—ḵẖush-taḥrīr, s.m. A good-writer:—ḵẖushtarāsh, adj. Elegantly cut or shaped, wellmade:—ḵẖush-tadbīrī, s.f. Good management, good policy:—ḵẖush-tarkīb, adj. Of elegant mould or form:—ḵẖush-taqrīr, adj. Eloquent; of winning address; skilled in argument:—ḵẖush-jauhar, adj. Of fine water (steel, gems, etc.):—ḵẖush jauharī, s.f. Fineness of water (in jewels, etc.):—ḵẖush-ćashm, adj. Having beautiful eyes:—ḵẖush-ćashmī, s.f. Loveliness of eye:—ḵẖush-ćhab, adj.=ḵẖush-uslūb, q.v.:—ḵẖush-ḥāl, adj. In pleasant or easy circumstances; happy; fortunate:—ḵẖush-ḥālī, s.f. Easy circumstances; prosperity:—ḵẖush-ḵẖāl, s.f. lit. 'Having a good mole'; a mistress, a sweetheart:—ḵẖush-ḵẖabar, adj. & s.m. Bringing good news;—one who brings good news:—ḵẖush-ḵẖabarī, s.f. Glad tidings, good news:—ḵẖush-ḵẖirām, adj. Of graceful gait, graceful in walking:—ḵẖush-ḵẖirāmī, s.f. Graceful walk or gait:—ḵẖush-ḵẖarīd, s.f. Paying ready money; purchasing in private sale; private sale;—buying cheap; a bargain:—ḵẖush-ḵẖat̤, s.m. Fine writing, good handwriting:—ḵẖush-ḵẖat̤ī, s.f. Fine penmanship, caligraphy:—ḵẖush-ḵẖiṣāl, or ḵẖush-ḵẖaṣlat, or ḵẖush-ḵẖulq, or ḵẖush-ḵẖo, adj. & s.m. Of good disposition, well-bred, affable, polite;—one who has a good or affable disposition:—ḵẖush-ḵẖulqī, ḵẖush-ḵẖo`ī, s.f. Pleasantness of manner, affability, politeness:—ḵẖush-ḵẖẉār, s.m. A good liver, one who lives well:—ḵẖush-ḵẖẉān, s.m. One who sings sweetly; one who reads well;—a pupil who pays school fees:—ḵẖush-ḵẖurāk, s.m. One who lives well:—ḵẖush-ḵẖurī, s.f. Good eating and drinking, good living:—ḵẖush-ḵẖush, adv.=ḵẖushī-ḵẖushī, q.v.:—ḵẖush-dāman, s.f. Mother-in-law (syn. sās):—ḵẖush-dil, adj. 'Merry-hearted,' happy, pleased, delighted, cheerful:—ḵẖush-dilī, s.f. Happiness, cheerfulness:—ḵẖush-damāg̠, adj. Cheerful, gay, delighted:—ḵẖush-dahānor dahan, adj. Having a pleasing or beautiful mouth:—ḵẖushdahanī, s.f. Elegance or beauty of mouth:—ḵẖush-ẕā`ěqa, adj. Grateful to the taste, highflavoured, tasteful, palatable, savoury:—ḵẖushraftār, adj. Graceful in walking or in motion:—ḵẖush-rang, adj. Of a pleasant, or good, or bright colour:—ḵẖush-rau, adj. Pleasantpaced:—ḵẖush-rū, adj. Having a beautiful face, beautiful:—ḵẖush-roz, s.m. A day of festivity or diversion, a festival, a holiday:—ḵẖush rahnā(-se), To be in a state of pleasure, to be pleased, be happy, etc.:—ḵẖush-zabān, adj. Eloquent; of winning tongue; plausible:—ḵẖush-zabānī, s.f. Eloquence; sweetness of language, etc.:—ḵẖush-zamzama, adj. Sweet in song:—ḵẖush-saḵẖra, s.m. A pleasant, humorous fellow:—ḵẖush-sar-anjām, adj. Having a fortunate end,fortunate, happy;—ḵẖush-salīqa, adj. Of pleasant manner or method, well-bred, polite:—ḵẖush-salīqagī, s.f. Pleasantness of manner; goodness of method; politeness;—ḵẖush-ḵẖush-sawād, adj. Of pleasant environs:—ḵẖush-sawādī, s.f. Pleasant environs:—ḵẖush-t̤ālě`, adj. Of happy destiny, fortunate, prosperous:—ḵẖush-tālě`ī, s.f. Good fortune, prosperity:—ḵẖush-t̤ab`, adj. Of cheerful disposition, pleasant; jocular, merry, facetious;—ḵẖush-t̤ab`ī, s.f. Cheerfulness, gaiety, pleasantness; jocularity, mirth, pleasantry:—ḵẖush-t̤arīq, adj. Well-behaved, well-bred, mannerly:—ḵẖush-z̤āhir, adj. Of pleasing exterior or appearance, handsome:—ḵẖush-`ěnān, adj. Light in hand (a horse), of easy pace, gentle, tractable:—ḵẖush-gilāf, adj. & s.m. Having an easy-fitting scabbard;—a sword that comes forth from the scabbard with ease, or without being drawn (such a one is considered as the best of swords):—ḵẖush-fě`l, adj. Of proper conduct or action; of pleasant action:—ḵẖush-fě`lī, s.f. Propriety of action or conduct; pleasantness of action:—ḵẖush-qāmat, adj.=ḵẖush-qad, q.v.:—ḵẖush-qabāla, s.m. An unconditional engagement; a sale without stipulation:—ḵẖush-qad, adj. & s.f. Wellshaped, of elegant stature;—a sweetheart:—ḵẖush-qismat, adj.=ḵẖush-naṣīb, q.v.:—ḵẖushqat̤`, adj. Well-shaped, nicely cut out:—ḵẖushqat̤`ī, s.f. Elegance of cut or shape:—ḵẖushqumāsh, adj. Of good texture or quality:—ḵẖush karnā, v.t. To satisfy, gratify, please, delight, rejoice, gladden, amuse:—ḵẖush-gap, adj. & s.m. Conversible, pleasant, chatty;—an entertaining talker:—ḵẖush-guẕrān, adj. & s.m. Living in ease and comfort;—one who possesses a competency:—ḵẖush-guẕrānī, s.f. Passing life in ease and comfort; good living:—ḵẖush-go, adj. & s.m. Eloquent; melodious;—an eloquent man:—ḵẖush-gawār, adj. Pleasant, agreeable; sweet, delicious; easy of digestion:—ḵẖush-libās, adj. Well-dressed:—ḵẖush-mizāj, adj.=ḵẖush-t̤ab`, q.v.:—ḵẖush-maza, adj. Pleasant-tasted, well-flavoured, delicious:—ḵẖush-mazagī, s.f. Pleasantness of flavour:—ḵẖush-ma`āsh, adj. Well-fed; in easy circumstances:—ḵẖush-ma`āshī, s.f. Good living:—ḵẖush-nishīn, adj. Pleasantly-seated, sitting-easily, having room enough:—ḵẖushnaṣīb, adj. Of happy lot or portion, fortunate, lucky:—ḵẖush-naṣībī, s.f. Good fortune, luck:—ḵẖush-nag̠ma, adj.=ḵẖush-ilḥān, q.v.:—ḵẖush-nigāh, adj. Of pleasing aspect, welllooking:—ḵẖush-nigāhī, s.f. Pleasantness of aspect:—ḵẖush-numā, adj. Pleasant to the sight, beautiful, neat, pretty:—ḵẖush-numā`ī, s.f. Beauty, splendour:—ḵẖush-nawā, adj. Having a sweet voice:—ḵẖush-nawā`ī, s.f. Sweet singing:—ḵẖush-navīs, adj. & s.m. Writing an elegant hand;—a fine writer, a calligraphist; a writing-master:—ḵẖush-navīsī, s.f. Fine writing, calligraphy:—ḵẖush-nīyat, adj. Welldisposed; honest:—ḵẖush-nīyatī, s.f. Good disposition; good will:—ḵẖush-nīyatī-se, adv. In good faith:—ḵẖush-o-ḵẖurram, adj. & adv. Happy, rejoicing, cheerful, gay;—flourishing, prosperous, in good circumstances:—ḵẖush-waqt, adj. Happy; in good or happy circumstances:—ḵẖush-waqtī, s.f. Happiness, delight; entertainment:—ḵẖushhaẓm, adj. Easy of digestion:—ḵẖush honā(-se), To be pleased (with), be satisfied, to be glad, to rejoice (at).
Origin: Persian
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