ḵẖẉāja, s.m. Lord, master, owner; a man of distinction, a respectable man, a gentleman;—a rich merchant;—a eunuch (vulg. ḵẖojā):—ḵẖẉāja ḵẖiẓr, Name of a prophet skilled in divination, and who is said to have discovered and drank of the fountain of life; hence he is considered as the saint of waters (Mohammadans offer to him oblations of lamps, flowers, etc., placed on little rafts and launched on the river, particularly on Thursday evening in the month ofbhādoṅ; and it is in his honour that the feast of beṛā(q.v.) is held. Travellers by boat always invoke his aid on starting, with the words Ai ḵẖẉāja ḵẖiẓr beṛāpār!He is by some confounded with the prophet Elias, and is regarded by others as a companion of Moses, or as Phineas):—ḵẖẉāja-sarā, s.m. A eunuch in the service of a king or prince who has free ingress to all parts of the palace, or one who has charge of the seraglio;—chief of a household; a major-domo, a butler.
Origin: Persian