ḵẖam[rt. Zend qap= S. ःवप् ], adj. & s.m. Curved, twisted, bent, crooked, bowed; curled; coiled;—a bend, curve, crook; a curl, knot, ringlet; a coil, fold, ply;crookedness, curvature; bending, flexure;—the part of a noose which encircles the neck; a noose;—the upper arm:—ḵẖam-andar-ḵẖamor ḵẖam-dar-ḵẖam, adj. Twist within twist; curly;—s.m. Curling locks;—ḵẖam bajānā, ḵẖam ṭhoṅknā(apne), To strike the hand against the arms (preparatory to wrestling), to challenge (as wrestlers do):—ḵẖam-ćam, s.m. Graceful motion;—coquetry, blandishment (of a mistress);—adj. Elegant, graceful:—ḵẖam-ě-ćaugān, s.m. The curved stick with which hockey-on-horseback is played:—ḵẖam-dār, adj. Curved, twisted, bent, crooked, etc. (=ḵẖam):—ḵẖam mārnā= ḵẖam ṭhoṅknā, q.v.:—ḵẖam-o-ćam= ḵẖam-ćam, q.v.
Origin: Persian