balā(rt. بلو 'to try'), s.f. Trial, affliction, misfortune, calamity, evil, ill; a person or thing accounted a trial, affliction, etc.; evil genius, evil spirit, devil, fiend; a wonderful or extraordinary person or thing; an awful or terrible person or thing; an insignificant, or vile, person or thing; excessive, fearful or awful amount or quantity (of):—balā-bog̠mā, s.m. Vile trash, trumpery, rubbish:—balā-ćaṭ, balā-nosh, s.m. One who eats anything vile or unclean; one who eats offerings and sacrifices; one who eats anything indiscriminately:—balādūr, lit. 'Far be the evil'; a phrase used to avert an evil omen:—balā-zada, adj. Stricken with misfortune or evil, overwhelmed with calamity:—balā-kā, adj. Trying, troublesome; fearful, awful, terrible; an excessive or awful amount or quantity of:—balā-kash, adj. & s.m. Tried, afflicted;—afflicted person, sufferer:—balā-gardān, adj. & s.m. Warding off or averting evil;—what averts evil; expiation, sacrifice:—balālenā, balā`eṅlenā(-kī), To draw the hands over the head of another (and then crack the fingers over one's own temples) in token of taking all his (or her) misfortunes upon oneself (a practice among women=balaiyāṅlenā); to devote oneself for another (syn. ṣadqe honā):—balā-naṣīb, adj. Afflicted, unfortunate:—balā-nosh, s.m.=balā-ćaṭ, q.v. (N.B. The word balāis often used most idiomatically in a manner difficult to be rendered in English; e.g. tumhārībalā-se, sc. kām hai, lit. . It concerns your evil genius'; it is no concern of yours; what is it to do with you, never mind:—tūkyābalāhai, 'What awful thing are you?' Who cares for you? You are of no significance:—kis balā-kākām, 'What fearful or trying work'; what a fearful amount of work:—āj to balāmirćeṅ ḍālīṅhain, 'They have put in a fearful or tremendous quantity of chillies to-day.')
Origin: Arabic