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bā, prep. With, by; possessed of (opp. to be, 'without'):—bā-ābrū, adj. & adv. Honourable, respectable; with honour, honourably, respectably:—bā-ittifāq, adj. & adv. With concord or harmony; harmoniously; unanimously:—bā-as̤ar, adj. & adv. Notable, remarkable; effectual; with effect, effectively, effectually:—bā-iḵẖlāṣ, adj. Sincere, cordial:—bā-adab, adj. & adv. & intj. Possessed of good manners or good breeding, polite; according to good breeding, politely, respectfully;—by your leave! pardon me!:—bā-ān-ki, adv. & conj. Even with that, notwithstanding that; although:—bā-īmān, adj. Faithful; religious:—bā-barakāt, adj. Blessed, fortunate, prosperous; fortunate in every undertaking, and communicating good fortune to everything one is concerned in; productive of advantage and success:—bā-tadbīr, adj. Prudent; with good counsel, with deliberation:—bā-tamīz, adj. Discreet, judicious:—bā-ḥayā, adj. Modest, bashful:—bā-ḵẖabar, adj. Informed, intelligent:—bā-ḵẖudā, adj. Pious, godly:—bā-shu`ūr, adj. Wise, intelligent, sagacious:—bā-shauq, adv. With pleasure, willingly:—bā-ẓābita, adj. According to rule, regular, formal, in conformity with precedent;—adv. En règle, according to custom or usage; with a douceur:—bā-qā`ida, adj. Regular, according to rule, formal:—bā-qarīna, adj. In order, orderly, well-arranged, regular, methodical; symmetrical, uniform:—bā-murād, adj. & adv. With (one's) object attained; along with the object of (one's) desire; successful;—according to (one's) wish, as one would wish: bā-muruwwat, adj. Humane; kind, obliging, courteous, affable, civil:—bā-maza, adj. Tasteful; delicious:—bā-wujūd, bā-wujūde-kī, bā-wasf, adv. Along with the fact (that), notwithstanding, although, withal, in spite of:—bā-waẓ`, adv. Mannerly, politely, respectfully:—bā-wafā, adj. Sincere, faithful.
Origin: Persian
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