bāt̤il (act. part. of بطل , 'to be false,' etc.), adj. False, untrue, wrong, incorrect; fictitious, spurious, unreal, unfounded, unsound; vain, futile, worthless, useless, unprofitable; devoid of virtue or efficacy, of no effect, ineffectual, null, void, of no force, of no account, naught, going for nothing; annulled, abolished, counteracted:—bāt̤ilu`s-sihr, s.m. Counteractor or annuller of enchantment; that which or he who frustrates incantation:—bāt̤il samajhnā, v.t. To regard, or treat, as false, etc.; to treat as a nullity; to set at naught:—bāt̤il karnā, v.t. To falsify; to prove to be false; to render ineffectual, vain, useless, etc.; to nullify, vitiate, invalidate, make void; to annul, abolish; to set aside, supersede; to frustrate, counteract, thwart:—bāt̤il mutaṣawwar karnā, v.t. To consider false, vain, etc.=bāt̤il samajhnā, q.v.:—bāt̤il honā, v.n. To be or prove vain, ineffectual, etc.; to come to naught; to become void; to be nullified, frustrated, etc.; to be annulled or abolished.
Origin: Arabic