ºाजार bāzār, vulg. bazār, and bajār (old P. abā, 'provisions'+zār, 'place'), s.m. Market, market-place, bazar, mart; business of a market; people assembled at a market; rate, price; demand, sale:—bāzār-baṭṭā, s.m. Discount; the market rate of exchange:—bāzār-baiṭhak, s.f. Fee or tax for holding a stall or shop, or for trading in a market (=tah-bāzārī):—bāzār ćalnā, bāzār ćamaknā, v.n.=bāzār garm honā, q.v.:—bāzār dikhārā(-kā), To expose for sale:—bāzār-kābhā`o, bāzār-kānirḵẖ, s.m. Market-rate; selling price:—bāzār-kā ćalan, s.m. The custom or practice of the market:—bāzār karnā, v.n. To market, to go to market:—bāzār garm honā(-kā), The market to be brisk or active; to have a good sale; to be in great demand; to be actively carried on (a practice, e.g.rishwat-kābāzār garm hai); to be all the rage; to rage, prevail (as an epidemic disease; e.g. haiẓe-kābāzār garm hai):—bāzār lagānā, v.n. To establish a market; to open a number of shops; to display (one's) wares; to be about one's business or trade; to have things spread out or scattered about in disorder; to make a noise and uproar (like that of a market):—bāzār mandāhonā(-kā), The market to be dull; to be in little demand:—bāzār nāpte phirnā, To go about (as if) measuring the bazar; to saunter about, roam, lounge.
Origin: Persian