bāz[old P. avāz, afāć; Zend apāś= S. अपाञ्च, fr. añć, with apa], adv. Back; again;—adj. Thrown back; open:—bāz ānā(-se), To come or turn back (from), draw back (from); to leave off, desist, refrain, abstain (from); to give up, abandon, relinquish, renounce; to keep (from), avoid, shun; to decline, refuse;—bāz ā, intj. Hold! stop! cease! have done! enough!:—bāz-purs, s.f. Inquiry, investigation, examination; minute investigation; accountableness, responsibility;—bāz-purs karnā, To inquire (into); to examine; to call in question; to demand an explanation, call to account:—bāzpasīn, adj. Last, hindmost:—bāz-ḵẖẉāst, s.f. Inquiry, etc.=bāz-purs, q.v.:—bāz-ḵẖẉāh, s.m. Inquirer, investigator; requirer:—bāz rakhnā(-se), To keep or hold (one) back (from); to keep back, detain, withhold; to restrain, repress, check; to prevent, prohibit, forbid; to exclude; to debar; to dissuade, deter:—bāz rahnā(-se), To keep (oneself) back (from), hold (oneself) aloof (from); to desist, cease (from); to abstain, refrain; to shun, avoid; to be prevented or prohibited (from):—bāz-gasht, s.f. Turning back, returning; return; retreat;—part.=next, q.v.:—bāz-gashta, part. adj. Returned; retreated:—bāz-gīr, s.m. Historian, chronologist:—bāz-yāft, s.m. Getting back, recovering; resumption (of anything); the act of resuming alienated lands or property of any kind;—bāz-yāftagī, s.f. Idem.
Origin: Persian