◀Previous 200 Entries6055. باپڑا 6056. باپكا 6057. باپھہ 6058. باپی 6059. بات 6060. بات6061. باتفاق 6062. باتونی 6063. باتونیا 6064. باتی 6065. باٹ 6066. باٹ 6067. باٹا 6068. باٹكا 6069. باٹنا 6070. باٹھنا 6071. باٹی 6072. باٹی 6073. باٹی 6074. باج 6075. باج 6076. باج 6077. باج 6078. باجا 6079. باجرا 6080. باجرہ 6081. باجري 6082. باجگاج 6083. باجن 6084. باجنا 6085. باجنتري 6086. باجو 6087. باجی 6088. باجی 6089. باچا 6090. باچك 6091. باچنا 6092. باچھا 6093. باچھل 6094. باچھنا 6095. باچھنا 6096. باچھہ 6097. باچیہ 6098. باخا 6099. باختہ 6100. باخہ 6101. باد 6102. باد 6103. باد 6104. باد 6105. بادار 6106. بادام 6107. بادامہ 6108. بادامی 6109. بادانیہ 6110. بادباقی 6111. بادبباد 6112. بادخور 6113. بادخورا 6114. بادر 6115. بادر 6116. بادر 6117. بادرنج 6118. بادرنگ 6119. بادرنگین 6120. بادریسہ 6121. بادریشہ 6122. بادریہ 6123. بادشاہ 6124. بادشاهانہ 6125. بادشاهت 6126. بادشاهی 6127. بادشہ 6128. بادل 6129. بادلا 6130. بادلہ 6131. بادلی 6132. بادلی 6133. بادم 6134. بادنا 6135. بادنجان 6136. بادہ 6137. بادها 6138. بادها 6139. بادهت 6140. بادهك 6141. بادهن 6142. بادهنا 6143. بادهہ 6144. بادهی 6145. بادهیہ 6146. بادي 6147. بادي 6148. بادي 6149. بادیان 6150. بادیہ 6151. بادیہ 6152. باڈهنا 6153. باڈهہ 6154. باڈو 6155. بءر 6156. بار 6157. بار 6158. بار 6159. بار 6160. بار 6161. بار 6162. بار 6163. بارا 6164. بارا 6165. بارا 6166. بارا 6167. بارا 6168. بارا 6169. بارابار 6170. بارات 6171. بارادہ 6172. باران 6173. بارانی 6174. باراہ 6175. باراهی 6176. بارتا 6177. بارتگ 6178. بارج 6179. بارجات 6180. بارجاي 6181. بارجہ 6182. بارچہ 6183. بارد 6184. بارد 6185. بارز 6186. بارش 6187. بارك اﷲ 6188. بارگیر 6189. بارمبار 6190. بارن 6191. بارنا 6192. بارنا 6193. بارنبار 6194. بارنبہ 6195. بارندگی 6196. بارندہ 6197. بارنی 6198. بارہ 6199. بارہ 6200. بارہ 6201. بارها 6202. بارهان 6203. بارهان 6204. بارهوان 6205. بارهوان 6206. بارهی 6207. بارو 6208. بارو 6209. بارو 6210. باروان 6211. باروت 6212. بارود 6213. باري 6214. باري 6215. باري 6216. باري 6217. باري 6218. باري 6219. باري 6220. باریاب 6221. باریچر 6222. باریك 6223. باریكی 6224. باز 6225. باز 6226. باز 6227. بازار 6228. بازارو 6229. بازاري 6230. بازرگان 6231. بازگانی 6232. بازگون 6233. بازندہ 6234. بازو 6235. بازي 6236. بازیچہ 6237. باڑ 6238. باڑ 6239. باڑ 6240. باڑ 6241. باڑا 6242. باڑهنا 6243. باڑهنا 6244. باڑهہ 6245. باڑهہ 6246. باڑهھی 6247. باڑهھی 6248. باڑهی 6249. باڑهی 6250. باڑهیا 6251. باڑو 6252. باڑي 6253. باڑیا 6254. باس


बात bāt[S. वाƣार् 'News,' etc.; Prk. वƣा], s.f. Speech, language, word, saying, conversation, talk, gossip, report, discourse, news, tale, story, account; thing, affair, matter, business, concern, fact, case, circumstance, occurrence, object, particular, article, proposal, aim, cause, question, subject:—bāt bāt-meṅ, adv. In every word, in every case or instance, on every occasion, for the least thing; in every particular, in every respect, throughout, altogether:—bāt bāṅdhnā, To sophisticate, to prevaricate:—bāt-bićār, s.m. Logic:—bāt badalnā, To depart from (one's) word, to say one thing and do another; to equivocate, prevaricate, shuffle:—bāt baṛhānā, To prolong a contest or dispute, to spin out or continue an altercation; to make a serious affair of:—bāt bigāṛnāor bigāṛ-denā, To mar a plot, to spoil; to thwart, frustrate; to ruin one's credit, bring disgrace upon:—bāt bigaṛnā, To lose credit, become bankrupt, be ruined:—bāt banānā, To talk much; to make up a story; to invent excuses, to concoct, fabricate; to talk grandly, to boast, bounce:—bāt-banā, bāt-banā`ū, s.m. One who makes excuses; time-server:—bāt bannā, To be snccessful, prove a success, answer well; to gain credit or honour, to prosper, flourish:—bāt pānā, To attain (one's) object or end, effect (one's) purpose; to get to the bottom of an affair, to fathom a design or object:—bāt-par ānā, To be bent or set upon, to insist; to hold or establish a position or point, etc.:—bāt pakaṛnā(-kī), To seize censoriously on what is said, to carp or cavil (at):—bāt palaṭnā, bāt phernā, To go back from one's word; to prevaricate, shuffle, etc. (=bāt badalnā):—bāt-phūṭnā= bāl khulnā, q.v.:—bāt pūćhnā, To put a question (to), inquire (of, -se); to inquire (after); to evince concern, care, or feeling, etc. (for):—bāṭpheṅknā, To talk (at), to taunt, jeer, mock:—bāt ṭālnā, To put off; to make excuses; to evade:—bāt ćabā-jānā, To swallow one's words:—bāt ćalānā, To talk (of, -kī), to converse, broach conversation, start a subject:—bāt ćhāṅṭnā, To talk much, etc.=bāt banānā, q.v.:—bāt-ćheṛnā, To broach conversation, etc. (=bāt ćalānā); to trake lup or renew a dispute or altercation:—bāt-ćīt, s.f. Talk, conversation, discourse;—bāt-ćīt karnā, To talk, converse, etc.;—bāt dohrānā, To repeat a thing, to harp on a thing:—bāt dharānā, To persist in making excuses, to put off, evade, shuffle:—bāt ḍālnā, To throw away one's words, to ask in vain; to ask for, request; to propose:—bāt rakhnāor rakh-lenā, To agree, assent, comply; to keep one's credit; to assist:—bāt rahnā, To have (one's) words made good; to be fulfilled or accomplished (declarations); to succeed; to overcome, get the better in argument, to prevail; to be accepted; to preserve perfect:—bāt-kābatakkar karnā, To multiply words, talk much, make much of little, to exaggerate:—bāt-kāpakkā, bāt-kāpūrā, bāt-kāsaććā, adj. True to one's word, faithful to one's promise, trustworthy;—bāt-kībāt-meṅ, adv. In a word, in an instant, suddenly:—bāt kāṭnā, To cut one's speech short, speak when another is speaking, to interrupt; to break the thread of a discourse:—bāt kursī-nishīn honā, (One's speech) to be approved or accepted:—bāt karnā, To speak, talk, converse, etc. (=bāteṅkarnā, bāt-ćīt karnā):—bāt-ko pīnāor pī-jānā, To swallow or gulp down one's words; to bear in silence, wait, have patience, suppress one's feelings:—bāt-ko (kisī-ke) muṅh-se le-jānā, To take the words out of (one's) mouth; to anticipate one in speakingof or mentioning a thing:—bāt-khulnāor khul-jānā, To leak out, become known or public, be discovered, to transpire:—bāt kahnā, To speak (of), tell, say; to talk, discourse:—bāt kahte, bāt karte-meṅ, adv. In an instant, all at once:—bāt gaṛhnā, To frame (one's) speech or words carefully; to speak to the purpose, or with effect:—bāt lagānā, To speak (of or about), make arrangements (for), negotiate; to impute (to), charge (with), to calumniate, traduce:—bāt lagnā, To feel, or be impressed by, one's words; to be offended:—bāt mārnā, To turn off, evade, or divert a discourse; to nullify a speech or saying; to silence, refute, rebut; to speak at, taunt; to snub, put down:—bāt mānnā, bāt qabū, karnā, To heed or mind what is said, to obey; to admit, accept, agree to, comply with:—bāt mat karo, Hold your tongue! be silent!:—bāt man-meṅbasnā, To remain in the memory, be kept or borne in mind:—bāt-meṅ, adv. In a short time, in a little while, in a moment:—bātmeṅbāt kahnā, bāt-meṅbolnā, bāt-meṅpaṛnā(-kī), To put in a word whilst another is speaking, to interrupt (one) in speaking (=bāt kāṭnā):—bāt-meṅ-se bāt nikālnā, To drag out or prolong an argument or dispute; to carp or cavil at an argument, to convict or refute one from his own lips; to draw inferences from; to learn from:—bāt-meṅfarq ānā, To lose credit or repute, etc. (=bāt bigaṛnā, q.v.):—bāt-meṅfīnikālnā, To pick holes in an argument, to find fault with, criticize closely, cavil at:—bāt-meṅgirānāor girā-denā, To overcome in argument, to confute:—bāt-nikās, s.m. Deductive logic:—bāt hāṅknā, To talk much, spin a yarn, make up a story, etc. (=bāt banānā):—bāt halkīhonā, bāt heṭīhonā, To be of little esteem, to be without credit or esteem:—bātoṅbātoṅ, adv. In the course of speech or conversation:—bātoṅ-kājhāṛbāṅdhnā, To pour out a string of words, to talk without ceasing:—bātoṅ-meṅuṛānā, To put off; turn off with a jest:—bātoṅ-meṅ ānāor ā-jānā, To be taken in, cajoled, deceived:—bātoṅ-meṅbahlānā, To beguile with words, divert one's attention; to delude with fair speeches:—bātoṅ-meṅdhar-lenā, To overcome or excel in argument or conversation:—bātoṅ-meṅlagānā, To entangle (one) in talk, engage (one) in conversation, occupy (one's) attention:—bāteṅbaghārnā, lit. 'To season one's speech'; to talk grandly; to talk at a great rate:—bāteṅ ćiknānā, lit. 'To oil one's words'; to have an oily tongue, to flatter, gammon:—bāteṅsunānā, To speak harshly (to), censure, reproach; to revile, abuse; to repeat one's story or adventures, tell one's tale:—bāteṅsunnā, To listen to what is said, lend an attentive ear, to heed; to bear or brook reviling, abuse, etc.:—bāteṅkarnā, To converse, discourse, etc. (=bāt karnā):—bāteṅlagānā, To tell tales (of), speak, ill (of), to misrepresent, calumniate, backbite:—bāten mi-lānā, To concur (with), be in harmony (with), agree (with).
Origin: Hindi
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