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ऐसा aisā[S. ईदृशः, Pr. एिरसो], pron. adj. & adv. (f. -ī), This-like, such, of this sort; like (=sā, in which case it is subjoined to the accusatival base of a pronoun, and to the acc. or gen. case of a substantive, e.g. āp-aisā'aqlmand, 'a wise man like you'; mard-aisā, 'like a man'; par-kīaisīlakīroṅke rūp, 'in the form of feathery streaks'); in such a manner, in this wise, thus, so; after this sort, of a piece;—as though, as if;—so much, this much (=itnā):—aisā-taisā, adj. Such and such, so-so, etc.=aisā-waisā, q.v.;—s.m. (f. aisī-taisī), Such an one, a nondescript, disreputable person; one destitute of discrimination, or of carefulness:—aisā-waisā, adj. & adv. (f. aisī-waisī), So-so, passable, middling; indifferent, of little moment or worth, insignificant, inferior, poor, bad; improper, indecent (act or language);—indifferently, passably, etc. (=aise waise):—aise, adv. Thus, so, etc.=aisā;—also=aise-hī, q.v.:—aisī, aise, intj. (colloq.) Really! is it so! surely not! you don't say so! what next!:—aisī-taisī, s.f. Disgrace, infamy, ignominy; a polite term for anything unmentionable:—aise-waise, adv.=aisā-waisā, q.v.:—aise-hī, adj. Just so, precisely;—as if, as though, so to speak;—accidentally, casually; without motive or reason (=yūṅ-hī).
Origin: Hindi

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