Previous 200 Entries5870. ایشورییہ 5871. ایشیك 5872. آیشیہ 5873. ایضا 5874. ایفا 5875. ایك5876. ایكا 5877. ایكاءی 5878. ایكادش 5879. ایكادشی 5880. ایكادهپت 5881. ایكادهپتیہ 5882. ایكارتھك 5883. ایكارتھہ 5884. ایكاسی 5885. ایكاكش 5886. ایكاكش 5887. ایكاكن 5888. ایكاكی 5889. ایكاگر 5890. ایكاگرتا 5891. ایكانت 5892. ایكانتر 5893. ایكانوِ 5894. ایكاهك 5895. ایكاون 5896. ایكایكی 5897. ایكت 5898. ایكتا 5899. ایكتالیس 5900. ایكتر 5901. ایكترا 5902. ایكترا 5903. ایكتھا 5904. ایكتیس 5905. ایكٹھا 5906. ایكدا 5907. ایكر 5908. ایكڑا 5909. ایكشن 5910. ایكشنك 5911. ایكك 5912. ایكل 5913. ایكلوتا 5914. ایكم 5915. ایكمتیہ 5916. ایكنترا 5917. ایكھتر 5918. ایكھٹا 5919. ایكھرا 5920. ایكھہ 5921. ایكھی 5922. ایكوتر 5923. ایكوترا 5924. ایكونش 5925. ایكونشت 5926. ایكی 5927. ایكی 5928. ایكیتا 5929. ایكیس 5930. ایكیك 5931. ایكیكم 5932. ایكیلا 5933. ایكیہ 5934. ایگن 5935. ایل 5936. ایلا 5937. ایلام 5938. ایلچی 5939. ایلچیپنا 5940. ایلچیگري 5941. ایلغار 5942. ایل فیل 5943. ایلم 5944. ایلوا 5945. ایلیا 5946. ایلی ایللا 5947. ایما 5948. ایمان 5949. ایمانی 5950. ایمن 5951. ایمن 5952. ایمن 5953. ایمنی 5954. ایمہ 5955. اینِـ 5956. این 5957. این 5958. اینٹ 5959. اینٹا 5960. اینٹا 5961. اینٹایا 5962. اینٹن 5963. اینٹنا 5964. اینٹنی 5965. اینٹھانا 5966. اینٹھن 5967. اینٹھنا 5968. اینٹھہ 5969. اینٹھہ 5970. اینٹو 5971. اینٹوپنا 5972. اینچ 5973. اینچا 5974. اینچن 5975. اینچنا 5976. ایندر 5977. ایندرجالك 5978. آیندہ 5979. ایندهن 5980. ایندور 5981. اینڈ 5982. اینڈا 5983. اینڈا 5984. اینڈالنا 5985. اینڈانا 5986. اینڈنا 5987. اینڈهوا 5988. اینڈوا 5989. اینڈوا 5990. اینڈوي 5991. اینك 5992. اینگر 5993. اینگھِـ 5994. آیہ 5995. آیہ 5996. ایھا 5997. ایھان 5998. ایھك 5999. ایھلوكك 6000. ایھہ 6001. آیو 6002. ایو 6003. ایوارا 6004. ایوان 6005. اي واي 6006. ایوب 6007. ایودهیا 6008. آیوربل 6009. آیوردا 6010. ایوڑ 6011. ایوگیتا 6012. ایوگیہ 6013. ایوم 6014. آییتا 6015. ب 6016. ب 6017. ب 6018. ب 6019. با 6020. با 6021. با آنا 6022. باءی 6023. باءی 6024. باءی 6025. باءیس 6026. باءیسی 6027. باءیكا 6028. باءیكا 6029. باءیكو 6030. باءیكو 6031. باءین 6032. باءین باءین 6033. باءینی 6034. باءیھا 6035. باب 6036. بابا 6037. بابت 6038. بابر 6039. بابرچی 6040. بابرنگ 6041. بابریان 6042. بابل 6043. بابلی 6044. بابن 6045. بابنی 6046. بابھن 6047. بابو 6048. بابولی 6049. بابولی 6050. بابونہ 6051. باپ 6052. باپتسما 6053. باپرا 6054. باپرا 6055. باپڑا 6056. باپكا 6057. باپھہ 6058. باپی 6059. بات 6060. بات 6061. باتفاق 6062. باتونی 6063. باتونیا 6064. باتی 6065. باٹ 6066. باٹ 6067. باٹا 6068. باٹكا 6069. باٹنا


एक ek (see ik), adj. & pron. One, single, sole, alone, only, a, an; the same, identical; only one; a certain one; single of its kind, unique, singular, preëminent, excellent;—adv. Or so, about (as last member of comp. e.g. pāṅć-ek):—ek-arthī, adj. & s.m. Having one and the same meaning, synonymous;—a synonym (=ekārth, q.v.):—ek-andāz, adj. Of one and the same measure, fashion, etc.; equal, uniform;—ek-andāz-se, adv. After the same pattern or fashion, uniformly, equally:—ek-ādh, ek-ād (S. eka+ardha), Half, part, some:—ek-ād, ek-ādh (S. eka+ādi), adj. One or more, one or so, some, some few, few:—ek-ākār, adj. Having the same form, alike, uniform (see ek-rūp):—ek-āṅkh, adj. One-eyed (=ekāksh, q.v.);—ek-āṅkh dekhnā, To look with the same eye:—ek-ānmeṅ, adv. In a moment (=ek pal-meṅ); easily, readily:—ek-ek, ek-ek-karor karke, adv. One by one, separately, singly; severally, each, every, apiece:—ek-ek-ke do-do, adv. Two for one, twice as much, double; cent. per cent.:—ek aur, adj. One more; another:—ek-bāt, s.f. One and the same thing, all one; one unvarying price:—ek-bāćhī, s.f. A distribution of any tax or cess levied on all lands at an equal or uniform rate:—ek-bār, ek-biriyān, ek ber, adv. Once, once upon a time; at one time, at once, at the same time, all at once:—ek bārgī, adv. At once, all at once, suddenly:—ek-baćan, s.m. (in Gram.) The singular number:—ek-baran (S. eka-varna), adj. Of one colour, plain; of one caste, of one race; identical:—ek-barnī(S. eka+varṇī), s.f. Beating time, marking musical measure by clapping the hands; an instrument for beating time; a castanet:—ek-bagal, adv. On or to one side, aside, apart; alongside:—ekbhāṅt, adj. One kind, etc.=ek-rang, ek-rūp, q.q.v.:—ek-bhā`o, adv. At the same rate or price:—ek-bhakt, s.m. One who eats but one meal a day; a worshipper of one God;—ekbhakti, adj. & s.f. Of one faith; believing in one and the same deity;—unity or identity of religious belief:—ek-bhīnahīṅ, adj. Not one, not a single one, none; neither:—ek-ber, adv.=ek-bār, q.v.—ek-patnī, s.f. A wife devoted to her husband; a faithful wife:—ek-parimān, adj.=ek-andāz, q.v.:—ek-purushā, adj. Of the depth of a man's stature:—ek-par (or -pe) ek, adv. One over or above the other; one after the other; in succession (=upar-tale):—ek-paksh, s.m. Associate, firm ally, partisan:—ek-peṭ-ke, adj. Of the same womb, uterine, of the same mother, own (brothers or sisters):—ek-tāl, s.m. Harmony, unison, concord, the accurate adjustment of song, dance, and instrumental music:—ek-tān, s.m. Harmony, etc. (=ek-tāl, q.v.);—adj. Having the mind fixed on one subject only, closely attentive:—ek-tanu, adj. Having but one body, not subject to transmigration:—ek-to, adv. In the first instance, firstly; on the one hand:—ek-tol, adj. Of the same weight, equal:—ek-thān, ek-jā, ekjagah, adv. In one place, together (=ikhaṭṭā, q.v.);—ek-jākarnā, v.t. To collect, etc.=ikhaṭṭākarnā, q.v.:—ek-ṭak, s.m. Looking steadily at a thing without blinking; fixed look, stare, gaze;—adv. Steadily, fixedly;—ek-ṭak dekhnā, v.t. To look steadily or fixedly at, to scan carefully, eye, gaze at:—ek-jāt, ek-ẕāt, adj. Of the same caste, race, family, or sort; coreligionist; of the same parents:—ek-jān, ekjigar, adj. Having one soul, or one heart; true, sincere (=ek-dil, q.v.):—ek-ćit, adj. Collected as to thought, thinking of one thing only; intent upon, absorbed in; of one mind, unanimous, concurring, agreeing; unwavering, determined, resolute; (cf, ek-diland ek-mat):—ek ćane-kīdo dāl, lit. 'Two halves of a chick-pea'; two equal shares; brothers of the whole blood:—ek-ćhatr (S. eka-kshatra), s.m. Supreme monarch, emperor;—(hence) RājāRāmćandra:—ek-dr̤iś, adj. One-eyed:—ek dast, adv. Altogether, entirely (=ek laḵẖt, ek-musht):—ek-dafa`, adv. Once; once upon a time:—ek-dukh-sukh, adj. Having or feeling the same joys and sorrows, sympathizing, sympathetic:—ek-dil, adj. Of one heart or soul, of one mind, unanimous; singleminded, true, sincere, faithful:—ek-dam, ekdam-meṅ, adv. In one breath, in a moment, at once, all at once:—ek-dūsre-kā, Of one another, mutual, reciprocal:—ek-desī, adj. & s.m. Belonging to the same place or country;—fellow-countryman:—ek-ḍāl, adj. & adv. In one piece, without joining:—ek-ḍaul, ek t̤aur-ke, adj. Of one make or fashion, of the same sort (=ek-rūp, ek-sā); uniform:—ek-ḍhang-se, adv. After the same fashion or manner; symmetrically:—ek-ras, s.m. One only flavour; one sole pleasure;—adj. Pleased with one object only, unchanged, unchangeable, constant:—ek-raqam, adv. In one payment; at once:—ek-rang, adj. Of one colour; of one sort or kind, similar, alike; constant, true, sincere (=ek-dil);—ek-rangā, s.m. A red cloth commonly worn by native women, (syn. qand):—ek-rūp, ek-rūpī, adj. Having the same shape, form or appearance, alike, similar, resembling (=ek ḍaul):—ek-zabān, adj. Of the same speech; of the same mind, consentient (=ek-dil, ek-mat);—adv. With one voice, with one accord, unanimously (=ek-muṅh, q.v.):—ek-sā, ek-sāṅ, ek-sār, adj. (f. ek-sī), Alike, having the same qualities, of the same sort, similar, corresponding; identical;—ek-se, adv. One and the same, unvarying, unchanging;—ek-se din na rahnā, The days or time not to remain the same, but to change (usually from bad to good):—ek-sāth, ek-sang, adv. Together, in a body, simultaneously, all at once, suddenly:—ek-sar, adv. All at once; all together:—ek-samān, adj. Alike, equal, etc.=eksā, q.v.:—ek-se ek, adj. One (better or worse) than another:—ek-shāmil, adv. Together=ikhaṭṭā, q.v.:—ek-śaraṇ, s.m. One only hope and refuge, epithet of any deity:—ek-śarīr, adj. Of one body; of one blood:—ekt̤araf, adj. On one side, aside, apart (=ek-bag̠al, q.v.):—ek-t̤arfa, adj. One-sided, partial; exparte (decision):—ek-faṣlī, adj. Yielding but one crop annually:—ek-qalam, adv. At a stroke of the pen; at once, bodily, entirely, altogether (=ek laḵẖt):—ek-kāl, s.m. One time, one and the same time;—adv. At one time; once:—ekkālīn, adj. Contemporary, coeval, simultaneous:—ek-ke-bā`d ek, adv. One after the other, one by one (=ek-ek-kar, q.v.):—ekke-pīćhe ek, adv. One behind, or after, the other, in succession, in a line, row, train, etc.:—ek-kīdas sunānā, To give back ten (words) for one, to pay back with interest, to give (one) a volley of abuse:—ek-ke do karnā, To divide into two equal parts, to bisect; to cut in two:—ek-lāṭhīhāṅknā(-ko), lit. 'To drive with one and the same stick'; to rule all men with the same rod, to treat all alike:—ek-laḵẖt, adv. Altogether, at once, entirely, in the mass, bodily:—ek-laṛā, adj. & s.m. Having or consisting of one string;—a string of pearls, gold ornaments, etc. worn on the neck; necklace of a single string of pearls, etc.:—ek-lautā, ek-lauṭā, adj. Only, single (child. without brother or sister=ik-lautā, q.v.):—ek-mātrik, adj. & s.m. Having a single mātra; (in Gram.), a short vowel:—ek-mā-bāpke, adj. Of the same parents;—ek mā-bāp-ke honā, or ho-jānā, To be or live as brothers, to live in peace and harmony; tosing in unison or harmony:—ek-mat, adj. Of one way of thinking, of one mind, of one opinion, consentient, agreeing, unanimous:—ek-musht, s.f. A handful;—adv. Altogether, at once, in the lump or mass; in one payment:—ek ma`nī-kā, adj. & s.m. Having the same meaning, synonymous;—synonym (=ek-arthī):—ek muṅh, adj. & adv. Agreeing, united, unanimous, etc.;—adv. With one voice, with one consent, unanimously (=ek zabān);—ek muṅh honā, or ho-jānā, To be unanimous, to concur, be of the same opinion;—to sing in concert, harmony, or chorus:—ek-mol, adj. Of the same value or price:—ek nām, adj. Having the same name, cognominal:—ek na, Not one, no one, none; neither:—ek na ek, One or the other, either:—ek wār-par lagānā, To stake on one throw:—ek waẓ`, adj. Of one and the same fashion, kind, sort; regular, uniform, equal (=ek andāz, q.v.):—ek waqt, adv. At one time, simultaneously:—ek-hī, adj. One alone, sole one, a single; just the same, all one, alike, identical; unique, unparalleled;—ek-hīhonā(meṅor kā), To stand alone (in respect of), be unparalleled or unique.

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