इखट्टा ikhaṭṭā[S. एक+िःथतः, rt. ःथा], adj. & adv.(= اكٹھا ikaṭṭhā), United, collected, assembled or gathered together; together, in one and the same place: in a lump, in the mass or gross, in the aggregate, bodily; simultaneously;—considerably, very much, much:—ikhaṭṭākarnāor kar-lenā, v.t. To collect, get or bring together, gather together, assemble; to amass, accumulate, store, stock, heap or pile up, stack, group; to call together, convoke, convene; to sum up, add up, total; to concentrate, consolidate:—ikhaṭṭā-kar-rakhnā, v.t. To collect, amass, store up, accumulate, treasure up, etc.:—ikhaṭṭāhonā, or ho-jānā, v.n. To come together, gather, collect, assemble, congregate, flock, herd, crowd; to be added or summed up:—ikhaṭṭe, adv.=ikhaṭṭā.
Origin: Hindi