अकड़ akaṛ[v.n. of اكڑنا akaṛnā, q.v.], s.f. Twist, bend, crookedness, obliquity, contortion, distortion; stiffness, rigidity, inflexibility; hardness, firmness, fixedness; obduracy, intractableness; wilfulness, obstinacy, stubbornness, doggedness;—constipation, costiveness;—strut, airs, show, affectation, foppery, parade, ostentation; pride, conceit, arrogance:—akaṛ-bāz, s.m. An affected person, fop, swaggerer:—akaṛ-bāzī, s.f. Affectation, strutting, swaggering, airs, foppishness; ostentation, show; pride, haughtiness:—akaṛ-bā`ī, s.f. The cramp (see bā`ī:—akaṛ-pakaṛ, akaṛ-takaṛ, akṛam-takṛam, s.f.=akaṛ-bāzī, q.v.
Origin: Hindi