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ection of five jewels or precious things, viz.gold, the diamond, sapphire, ruby, and pearl:—paṅć-ras,paṅć-rasī, adj. Composed of five metals or fluids:—paṅć-sabd, s.m.=panć-śabd, q.v.:—paṅć-sugandhak, s.m. Collection of five kinds of aromatic vegetable substances, viz.cloves, nutmeg, camphor, aloe wood, and kakkolā:—panć-sūnā, s.m. The five things in a house by which animal life may be accidentally destroyed,viz.the fire-place, the curry-slab, the broom, the pestle and mortar, and the water-pot:—paṅć-śākh, paṅć-śākhā, adj. & s.m. Having five branches;—the hand:—paṅć-śabd, s.m. Five kinds of sounds;—five kinds of musical instruments:—panća-śar, adj. & s.m. Having five arrows; a name of Kāma, the god of love:—paṅć-faiṣla, s.m. Judgment by arbitration;—the award of a court of arbitration:—paṅć-karm, s.m. The five actions of the body; the five kinds of treatment, viz.giving emetics, purging, giving sternutatories, and administering enemas of two kinds, oily and not oily:—paṅć-kanyā, s.f. (in Myth.) The five virgins, viz. Tārā,Kuntī, Ahalyā, Mandodarī, and Sītā:—paṅć-kośī, vulg. paṅć-kosī, s.f. The aggregate of five kos;—the pilgrimage road round the city of Benares:—paṅć-koshā, s.m. The five sheaths or cases supposed to invest the soul (viz. the gross form, or the form supported by food, the organs of action, the organs of perception including the mind, the intellect, the elements of identity and divine wisdom):—panć-kol, s.m. The five spices, viz.long pepper, its root, Chai, or Piper Chaba, plumbago, and dry ginger:—paṅć-kavali, s.m.=paṅć-grās, q.v.:—paṅć-koṇ, s.m. 'Having five angles,' a pentagon:—paṅć-khan, paṅć-khanā, adj. Consisting of five floors, stories, or apartments (a building), five-storied, etc.:—paṅć-grās, s.m. Five morsels of food taken to the mouth by the hand:—paṅć-guna, adj. Five-fold; five times:—paṅć-gavya, s.m. Five products of the cow, viz.milk, curds, butter, urine, and cowdung:—paṅć-laṛā, s.m.=paṅć-laṛī, s.f. 'Consisting of five strings or rows'; a necklace of five strings or rows:—paṅć-lakshan, adj. & s.m. Possessing five characteristics;—an epithet of a purāṇaor mythological poem (which ought strictly to comprehend five topics, viz.the creation of the universe, its destruction and renovation, the genealogy of gods and patriarchs, the reigns of the Manus, and the history of the solar and lunar races):—paṅć-loha, s.m. A metallic alloy containing five metals, viz.copper, brass, tin, lead, and iron:—paṅć-māsya, adj. & s.m. Happening every five months, five-monthly; containing five months;—the ko`ilor Indian cuckoo:—paṅć-māṅś, s.m. A fifth part:—paṅćmānnā(-ko), To regard (one) as an arbitrator, to constitute (one) an umpire:—panća-ma-kāra, s.m. The five essentials of the left hand, viz.wine, man's flesh, fish, copulation, and gesticulation:—panć-mūl, s.m.paṅć-mūlī, s.f. A collection or group of five roots or plants with tuberous roots, viz. Bel, Premna longifolia, Cassia, Gmelina arborea, and the trumpet-flower;—or Hedysarum gangeticum, Hedysarum lagopodioides, Solanum melongena, Solanum jacquini, and Tribulus lanuginosus:—paṅć-mahā-yagya, s.m. The five great sacrifices of the Hindūs, viz. the worship of spirits (by offerings of perfumes and flowers), the worship of progenitors (by obsequial rites), the worship of gods (by oblations with fire), the worship of the Vedas (by studying them), and the worship of mankind (by hospitality):—paṅć-maḥalla, adj. Of five stories, five-storied (a building):—paṅć-nad, adj. & s.m. Having five rivers;—an epithet of the Panjāb (q.v.s.v. panj):—paṅć-nakh, adj. & s.m. Five-clawed, having five nails;—any animal with five claws or toes, e.g. elephant, tiger, tortoise, etc.:—panćottar (paṅća+uttara), s.m. A transit duty of five per cent.; a deduction from rent, etc. of five per cent.; a toll-house, custom-house:—panćaviṅśati, adj. Twenty-five:—panća-viṅśatitam, adj. Twenty-fifth:—paṅćendriyā(˚ća+in˚), s.m. The five organs of sense (the eye, ear, nose, tongue, and skin); the five organs of action (the hand, foot, larynx, anus, and the organ of generation).
Origin: Arabic