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cular seed of which beads are made:—bhadra-padā, s.f. Name of the third and fourth lunar asterisms: bhadra-parṇā, s.f. The shrub Pæderia fœtida:—bhadra-parṇī, s.f. The tree Gmelina arborea; the shrub Pæderia fœtida:—bhadr-jau (bhadra-yava), s.m. The seed of Wrightia antidysenterica:—bhadr-ćūṛ, s.m. The plant Euphorbia tirucalli:—bhadradāru, s.m. A species of pine, Pinus deodora, and P. longifolia:—bhadra-kālī, s.f. Name of a Hindūgoddess; an epithet of the goddess Durgā; the fragrant grass Cyperus perteniusor C.rotundus:—bhadra-gandhikā, s.f. The plant Cyperus rotundus; the creeping plant Asclepias pseudosarsa:—bhadra-mustak, s.m. The fragrant grass Cyperus pertenuis:—bhadrodanī(bhadr+odanī), s.f. The plant Sida cordifolia; the plant Uraria lagopodioides:—bhadra-vallī, s.f. Arabian jasmine, Jasminum sambac; the large Bengal creeper Gærtnera racemosa; the plant Vallaris dichotomus:—bhadr honā, v.n. To be clean or purified by shaving the head and beard after the death of a relative, or in a holy place:—bhadra-yava, s.m.=bhadr-jau, q.v.
Origin: Arabic

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