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मधु madhu, s.m. Honey; the juice or nectar of flowers; anything sweet; mead; sugar; liquorice;—sweetness;—a spirituous liquor obtained from the blossoms of the Bassia latifolia; any sweet intoxicating drink; wine; spirituous liquor;—water;—the season of spring; the month Ćait (March-April);—the tree Bassia latifolia;—name of an Asuror Daityaslain by Vishṇu;—name of a metre in Sanskrit:—madhu-pa, vulg. madhup, s.m. 'The honey-drinker,' a bee:—madhu-paras, s.m. Ripe, juicy fruit:—madhu-pur, s.m., or madhupurī, s.f. Names of the city of Mathurā:—madhu-park, s.m. An offering of honey and milk (or honey, butter, and curds) to an honoured guest, or to a Brāhman at a sacrifice, or to the bridegroom on his arrival at the door of the father of the bride:—madhu-tr̤iṇ, s.m. Sugar-cane (lit.'honey-grass, or sugargrass'):—madhu-ćhandā, s.m. The middlemost (the 51st) of Viśvāmitra's 101 sons:—madyu-ćhandasā, s.m. pl. All the (101) sons of Viśvāmitra:—madhu-ras, s.m. Sweetness (of flavour, or speech):—madhu-sūdan, s.m. 'Destroyer of the demon Madhu,' an epithet of Vishṇu or Krishṇa:—madhu-kar, s.m. (f. -karī), 'Honey-maker,' a bee;—a lover, a gay Lothario, a libertine;—the plants Eclipta prostrata, Asparagus racemosa, Achyranthes aspera; the sweet lime;—a name of Uddhav (a relation of Krishṇa's):—madhu-kosh, s.m. Honey-comb; bee-hive;—scrotum (of a goat):—madhukaiṭabh, s.m. Name of a demon slain by Vishṇu:—madhu-māt, s.m. Name of a rāginīor musical mode:—madhu-mātā, adj. (f. -ī), Intoxicated, drunk;—intoxicated or excited by the spring, etc. (see madh-mātā, and madmātā):—madhu-mās, s.m. Spring month, the month Ćait (March-April):—madhu-mākhī, s.f. The honey-bee:—madhu-mal, s.m. Beeswax:—madhu-may, adj. (f. -ī), Consisting of (or abounding in) honey, made of honey; honeyed; sweet as honey; sweet, luscious:—madhu-van, vulg. madhu-ban, s.m. 'The forest of the demon Madhu,' on the Jamnā(where Śatru-ghna, after slaying Lavaṇa, son of Madhu, founded the city of Madhurāor Mathurā):—madhu-hā, or madhu-han, s.m. A destroyer of honey;—a collector of honey;—name of a particular bird of prey;—slayer of the demon Madhu,' an epithet of Krishṇa;—a soothsayer.